Part 73 - JK - Serious

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The waves crashed against the shore, their relentless rhythm a soothing echo against the tropical breeze

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The waves crashed against the shore, their relentless rhythm a soothing echo against the tropical breeze. Leaning against the wooden railing, Jungkook closed his eyes, barely noticing the gentle touch of the salty breeze as it played with his dark locks of hair.

The weather was warm, yet comfortable, and on any other day, the young man would have found the moment perfect. Yet, it was not. Instead of warmth and calm, he felt empty; his mind consumed by thoughts he couldn't escape. Closing his eyes, Jungkook let out a sigh, letting the wind carry off what he knew, yet still could not put into words.

"So this is where you've been hiding." The older's voice was easily recognizable, but not feeling much for having a conversation, Jungkook chose to ignore his friend.

"Someone's not enjoying their time off?" Jimin chuckled, his hands finding the younger's shoulders and massaging them lightly. "Geez. You're tense."


"You stressed, aren't you?" Ignoring the other's lack of a response, Jimin nudged his friend slightly as he leaned on the railing beside him. "And I know just the way to take care of that."


"Yoona and Clair..." Jimin cut in, excitement clear in his voice. "AND Namori!"


"No?" Sounding confused, the older's hands stopped moving, his grip on Jungkook's shoulders tightening ever so slightly. "Kookie?"

Letting out a sigh, the youngest finally opened his eyes. "I'm not interested."

"No?" Jimin questioned, arching an eyebrow at the unusual response. "Not Naomi, or-?"

"Not any of them." Jungkook shook his head, his voice was subdued as he replied. "They're not...

"-they're not?" Letting go of his shoulder, Jimin instead turned the younger towards him. "They're not what? Not hot enough? Not flexible enough? Or..." His voice fell an octave, his eyes pinning the younger's in the search for the truth. "-or is it that they're not her?"

Silence filled the space between the two friends, Jungkook's silence speaking volumes. He didn't need to confirm it; Jimin's intuition was right as it often was.

"Oh..? You're serious about her, aren't you?" Jimin asked softly, almost in disbelief.

Jungkook took a moment, his gaze shifting to the horizon once again, before he nodded, his voice laced with a hint of longing. "Yeah, Jimin, I am."

He couldn't deny it any longer. Jungkook was in love with Y/N, even though she was already dating his best friend. The realization weighed heavily on him, and he knew he couldn't keep it hidden any longer.

It wasn't something he had intended or anticipated.

Jungkook still remembered when Taehyung had first told them that he would no longer join them in hunting. It had been more than a little surprising - even Jimin had been taken aback by the news. Still, it wouldn't affect Jungkook much - as Taehyung had never shown any interest in joining in on the more shared activities that Jungkook and Jimin had gotten used to.

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