Part 41 - Tell me

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Knowing well what was at stake, you kept your eyes on nowhere - anywhere - trying to see - to focus on something - anything - but what Jimin was doing to you.

His fingers were smaller, shorter, slimmer than Taehyung's, but being just that, they could touch you, stroke you in places and in ways that Taehyung could not. His touch was different, and it was as though they knew what your body wanted before it could react.

"Mmmm, Noooonnnaaa" He purrs into your ear as he slips in one finger... then two. Moving slowly, he's thrusting and wiggling them a little to make you widen up. "Look how well you stretch for me Y/N. Now I wonder..." Jimin trails off and a smirk spreads on his face as he slips in a third finger; now pumping with a bit more force.

"A-ah!" You hurry to cover your mouth with a hand before quickly moving it to your hair as if to adjust it in a carefree manner.

"Good, Noona, good." Jimin gives his finger a twist and begins attacking from a new angle. "You're doing great - one would think it was not enjoyable?"

"And," You press the words between your smiling lips, "And what if it wasn't enjoyable?"

His pumping stops. "Ah..." Dragging out the words, Jimin slowly let his fingers pull out of you. "You'd be a liar."

"Would I?" You contest him; fighting your body's complaint about the emptiness that was left from him.

"Well, if not... then I'll just have to make sure that you do enjoy yourself... won't I?" His warm breath tickles on the back of your ear as he plunges his three fingers all at once back into your swollen heat.

"No, you-Aaah" Unable to hold back, you let out a loud moan.


Mortified, you're at the loss of words. Clearly, they heard that, right?! "I-I..."

"I got her, Mr. Ovalliere!" Jimin shouts back as he flicks his thumb over your clit. "A small cramp from swimming too much I think."


"There really is no need-" You begin, but is cut off from another flick.

"It will make it easier, won't it?"

Turning your head, you face Jimin.

"No!" You say firmly, but he just smirks at you as another flick is sent to your nub.

You see that one of the staff members is heading towards you and Jimin on a jet ski with a white and orange round flotation device. You try your best to smooth out the expression on your face.

Plastering a smile on your face, you mutter to Jimin "Don't you dare..."

"Dare what?" Jimin's expression is one of innocence itself.

" anything while the staff is here."

"Noona, I wouldn't dream of it." A wide smile on his face.

When they got close the floaty was tossed near the both of you.

"Wait here, Y/N." Jimin said, but not before he snapped and twisted his fingers into you. Then slowly pulling and twisting them out.

Forcing your reaction back, you see Jimin reach out and grab onto the floating ring and bring it over to you.

"Here," he smiled as he angled it in front of you. "Climb in."

"I don't-" You began.

Jimin shakes his head. "A-ha-a. What would they think if they see you refusing it, eh? Besides..." He glances over at the beachside, where everyone was. "You wouldn't want to make Taehyungie anymore worried about you than he already looks, would you?" A smirk is spreading across his face.

A sharp pain pierces you. Tae...

Your eyes fastened on him where he stands with his arms crossed, his bathing trunks and a towel wrapped around his shoulders... He looks lost, his attention in your direction, and you want to reach for him - go to him and tell him, make him know that you are okay and that there is nothing to be worried about.

You feel arms wrap around you, and you're more lifted than pushed into the floating ring.

"There we go." Jimin grunts. "All safe."

"Ey, Jimin!" You complain. "I don't need your help - and I don't need this big floating either - it makes me look stupid."

Jimin snickers. "Yes yes. Then take it off again."

You consider it, but his arguments from before are too strong. So, you look towards the beach, feeling like a little kid hanging out of a doughnut. Looking at Taehyung, you take a deep breath; you don't want to worry him any further. So, sucking in your pride, you decide to deal with feeling like a fool a little while longer.

"See now. that wasn't so bad." Jimin says, pulling you and the floaty towards him.

"Jimin... What are you doing?"

"Just making sure you don't drift away, Noona." He says with a sly smile.

"How come I only believe half of that!?" You say sarcastically and look away.

"Well, are you saying that we're both liars then?" His voice is smug, and you feel a finger touch your outer thigh and begins tracing it up to your hip.

"D-don't do that, Jimin." You try your best to put your foot down, but it does not work out as well as you'd hoped, as his persistent teasing - no toying - with you was driving you insane.

"Okay, Noona. I will stop." Jimin's voice is heavily coated, "If you tell me - in these exact words - 'I never want you to touch me again, Jimin'. Say that, and I will stop, and never do it again."

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