Part 89 - Y/N - HotShot

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The next morning, after a quick breakfast and a walk to the set, Y/N once again found herself dressed in a flashy bikini

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The next morning, after a quick breakfast and a walk to the set, Y/N once again found herself dressed in a flashy bikini. It was time to shoot the last of the three commercials, and this one took place in the greenhouse pool.

The location was nothing short of breathtaking: a vast greenhouse adorned with vibrant plants of every hue and size, lining the glass walls and encircling the uniquely shaped pool.

As Y/N gazed around in awe, she couldn't help but feel a pang of regret. Why hadn't she known about this place earlier? She would have loved to spend some of their downtime here. She couldn't help but think that if she had known of this place, she might have chosen to spend yesterday here instead of walking along the beach. If so, the events under the bridge wouldn't have happened, and she would have felt a lot less confused now.

She still hadn't been able to process what had happened under the bridge. It had been a lot both physically and mentally, and even though she thought she had managed to put it aside and focus on Taehyung, her thoughts kept wandering back to a pair of gentle doe eyes and the soft murmur of her name on pouty lips.

An arm wrapped around her shoulder, the touch and smell so familiar that she instantly knew it was Taehyung. Turning her head towards him, she gave a careful smile. He had been extra touchy with her this morning; a big smile on his face as he found every opportunity to touch her.

Of course, it had all been in innocent ways, especially when they had been walking in public, but even so, it had to be clear to anyone watching them that they were more than mere co-workers. If not lovers, then at least close friends.

"Too bad we didn't know about this place before, eh?" Taehyung commented, then leaned close to add in a low voice, "Maybe we'll get the time to visit that cave as well."

Y/N followed his finger to the corner of the room where an overhang of flowers formed a shape reminiscent of a cave. Y/N blushed. This place was truly out of a romance novel, and she could easily imagine herself in Taehyung's embrace.


Mr. Ovalliere's call cut through her sensual imagination, and as she turned around, she found the director waving at her from where the cameras were placed. "Coming!" She called back before turning to Taehyung. "Ready?"

A secretive smile formed on Taehyung's lips as he gave a simple nod before walking toward the group.

After receiving instructions and placements, they were finally rolling. The story of this commercial was that the girl, played by Y/N, would be sitting on the edge of the pool, admiring the flowers. Then, reaching out, she would touch one and accidentally prick herself on a thorn.

Hearing her cry of distress, Taehyung, who had been playing beach volleyball with his friends, would leave the others to come to her aid. And when finding her, he'd hand her a small bottle of 'HotShot' - a health shot with rejuvenating properties aimed at athletes or those feeling slightly ill.

The filming had gone smoothly, and half an hour later, most parts had been recorded. The only scene remaining was the one where Taehyung handed her the 'HotShot'.

The cameras started rolling. Taehyung walked over to her, but he stopped by the flowers. He picked a rose, then, off-script, put it behind her ear.

The whole greenhouse fell silent, as if everyone was holding their breath.

Y/N was holding her breath too, captivated by the man in front of her.

"It hurt you. How cruel." Taehyung stated, his voice distant as his attention was on the red petals of the flower. "Though I can't blame it for its jealousy..." His hand let go of the rose and instead caressed the side of her head. "For wanting to have you."

His words sent shivers down her spine.

Taehyung's hand moved down, stroking her cheek with his thumb. "But the rose cannot have you." Leaning closer, their lips were almost touching.

A gasp echoed through the greenhouse.

"Not while you're mine."

Y/N's heart leaped, feeling drawn toward him as if for a kiss, yet knowing it would not happen. She wondered how he dared to play around in front of the camera team.

Then, his eyes never leaving hers, Taehyung kissed her.

Then, his eyes never leaving hers, Taehyung kissed her

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[21+] Tropical Kiss [Y/N x Maknae-line]Where stories live. Discover now