Part 86 - Y/N - I Liked It

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Y/N and Jungkook got to their feet

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Y/N and Jungkook got to their feet. Y/N was just about to look for her discarded bikini when she felt a pair of warm hands gently grab her shoulders.


Turning around, she was met by a pair of beautiful dark eyes. "Yeah?"

"Do you- I mean- Ehm, I wondered if I-" Jungkook took a deep breath. "Can I, maybe- Would it be alright if I kissed you again?"

She tilted her head, her brows furrowing. "You want to kiss me?"

He nodded. "I mean, we did just- and- well-" His hand reached for hers. "You were so sweet, Noona, and-" His eyes darted to her lips. "And I liked it."

"Oh. Uhm." Y/N felt her cheeks burn, and not knowing how to answer, she did the next best thing and leaned up, closing the gap between them and pressing a quick kiss on his lips.

"Wow." Jungkook exhaled, and then, as Y/N thought he was going to let her go, his lips crashed into hers again; his arms wrapping around her waist, pulling her close.

"Mmmh." Y/N sighed. The way his lips moved against hers was sweet and gentle.

Jungkook smiled into the kiss, his lips leaving hers for a split second, then diving back for another.

Y/N had never felt her heart beat so fast, the butterflies fluttering wildly in her belly. It was nice. It was different from the ones they had shared during sex. This was gentler.

"Guys." Jimin's voice cut in, ending the kiss. "Come on, we need to leave."

Y/N pulled back, her chest heaving, and her body tingling.

"Sorry, Noona. I- uh-." Jungkook scratched the back of his head.

"It's fine." Y/N gave him a small smile, then looked over to where Jimin was waiting for them.


"Ehm, actually, can I-." She bit her lip. "Is it alright if I stayed here, alone, for a bit?"

"Alone?" Jungkook echoed, and almost immediately, concern was visible on his face.

"Just a little while." She reassured them. "I'll be right behind you. I promise. I just... I just need a minute."

Jungkook nodded, but his eyes were filled with uncertainty.

"Don't worry." She said. "I just need to wash off a bit, and, well, it's easier without you both around. No offense."

"None taken." Jimin grinned, and grabbing hold of Jungkook's lower arm, he walked off, pulling the reluctant younger behind him.

Once the men were out of sight, Y/N sank to the ground. The wind was blowing, and the air was warm, but the sand was still slightly damp and cool.

"Fuck." Y/N muttered under her breath. Her mind was still racing, and her heart was pounding. "What the fuck have I done." She had kissed her boyfriend's best friend. And this time, she had been the one to initiate it. Hell, she had now slept with both his best friends.

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