Part 7 - Agendas

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When you and Taehyung finished your shower, you go back to the bedroom. There is nobody there, so Jimin and Jungkook must have headed back to their room to get ready themselves.

You and Taehyung talk about today's plan while you are getting dressed and ready for the day. Finally ready, you head to the cabin's living room to wait for Jimin and Jungkook.

Little did you know about what they were doing.

When Jimin and Jungkook get to their room. Jimin slams the door and heads to the bathroom for a quick shower. Turning on the hot water he thought to himself: 'I can't believe she'd forgotten about us. I don't care what Jungkook says. I'll make sure her body remembers me.' After he got out drying himself off.

Jungkook was next to go wash up. Getting into the shower, Jungkook let the warm water wash over his body. He was still feeling high of the cloud from the earlier release, but as he began to soap his body, his thoughts were of you and how you had felt underneath him.

Although he had always found you pretty, he had never fully imagined how it would be to have sex with you. You were the girlfriend of a close friend of his, and Taehyung had always been possessive and protective of the few things that he considered his.

But then earlier. What had changed, Jungkook wondered. What had made Taehyung allow it to happen?

And then, a thought had occurred to him - one he never thought he would ever have: Okay, Hyung, let's see how many buttons of her's I can push. Without laying another finger on her.

Jungkook, finally done, walks out with the biggest grin on his face.

"Why the hell are you so cheery all of a sudden?" Jimin spats out as he finishes getting dressed and is pulling a light blue t-shirt over his head. While sporting tight black ripped jeans, sandals, and light pink sunglasses.

After considering for a second to share with Jimin the challenge that he has set for himself, Jungkook decides not to. Although he and Jimin are very close and share weekly more than most men share in a lifetime, Jimin could get a little jealous if he was not the center of attention. If Jungkook was to be honest with himself, he doubted that Jimin would manage to hold back if he did not get the desired reaction from Y/N, and then... Well, Jungkook did not want to think about that.

Both men setting aside what the other would think of the ideas brewing in their minds. They headed to the main living room to get the day started.

You sit there waiting for Jimin and Jungkook to join you. Your mind wanders back to what's transpired this morning, causing you to blush. Knocking you out of your trance, you hear Jimin and Jungkook's voices as the two men round the corner. Each one giving you a stare that you couldn't quite place.

Jungkook breaks eye contact first. "I have to make a call, I'll be right back." He sputters.

Jimin scoffs. "Yea more like you forgot why we're even here."

Jungkook rolls his eyes at him and steps outside.

You shift in your seat as Jimin slowly walks to you and places himself right beside you.

All the while you wonder what's taking Taehyung so long.

You glance down at your watch. It had been five minutes since Taehyung had decided to get a jump on your promotional activities for the day by heading over to the reception to announce to your contact - Mr. Swan that you would all be ready to head over to his tropical pool bar in not too long. You would have thought he would be back by now, but your boyfriend was nowhere in sight.

"So, how are you feeling?" Jimin asks.

"O-oh ahh well I'm worried about what's taking Tae so long to get back. I hope everything is going alright." You sigh staring down at your hands.

"I'm sure it's fine, Taehyung-ah always seems to get everything straightened out." He grins at you. "By the way, you look really nice."

You blush as you don't usually think of yourself that way. Regardless of dating the most handsome man in the world. You decided to wear a cute black lace skirt with a pink tank top paired with black wedge shoes.

Jimin places a hand on your thigh and gives it a light squeeze. Causing your face to flush, you turn your head in embarrassment. "Now, what I want to know is HOW you're doing." He says emphasizing the how.

"H-how?" You ask. "What do you mean, Jimin?"

"Well," his hand begins to move in small circles of your thigh. "You were so excited in the bedroom; so wet." He licks his lips and moans. "So delicious too. It's almost too bad I had to wash my face after."

"Hhhaaah, Jimin I.." Unable to get another word out.

He shoved his hand under your skirt and pressed his fingers into your clit through your panties. "Mmmm yeah that's what I mean, already soaking wet. You are terribly naughty, Noona." He swirls his fingers in a pulsating motion.

You bite your lip and stifle a moan. "J-Jimin-ssi what are you doing...haahhhh." You moan in protest.

"Noona, you must keep that filthy mouth quiet, or someone may hear." He says darkly as his eyes dart to the door Jungkook walked out just moments ago then his gaze shifts back to you. "How do you think they would react if they saw you like this, huh? What would Taehyung do if he knew that you had already soaked your panties just by being near me?"

You open your mouth to protest, but anticipating your action, he flicks your clit, and as you gasp out, he moves a finger down and inside you.

"Shh..." he leans closer to your ear. "You must learn to control yourself, Noona. You might need that skill soon - sooner than you might think."

He plunges his fingers in and out rhythmically.

"Mmmmm, ahhh T-Tae wouldn't like it. N-not without him being here." You stutter in response, your hips move slightly forward allowing his fingers to slide further into you. Your eyes rolling back as you grip the couch; trying to control your moans.

Jimin chuckles before curling his fingers upwards, hitting your g-spot. He covers your mouth with his own as you cry out in pleasure. He bites your lip and pulls his fingers from you. Sucking on each one he gives you a devilish smirk.

Panting, you stare at him with wide eyes, "Why did you?"

"Why did I what, Noona?" He asked back.

You look down and away, not wanting to ask.

"Didn't you want me to stop?" He leans closer, and as he does, he suddenly nips your ear. "Say it." he purred. "Tell me what you want."

[21+] Tropical Kiss [Y/N x Maknae-line]Where stories live. Discover now