Part 22 - Jimin's bet

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Closing the door behind them, Jungkook stalks over to the bedroom that he shares with Jimin. He is about to close that door as well, but before he can do so, Jimin grasps the door and slides inside.

"What?" Jungkook grunts; not in the mood to talk with anyone - and especially not Jimin...

"Dude, you can't just go off like that. I understand that you have feelings... I mean that you love her... But for fucks sake - you do realize the damage this could do for everyone? And not just your relationship with her and Taehyungie, but the entire group." Jimin scowls at him.

"I don't see you doing anything about the situation." Jungkook huffs; literally sick of this whole thing already. "So, are you suggesting that I give up on her?!" He snaps, his face slowly turning red again.

Throwing his hands in the air, Jimin lets out a long sigh. "What do you think will happen, Kookie? Do you really think that she will come to you? Do you?"

"She already did, didn't she?!" Jungkook snapped. "I didn't make her do anything she didn't want - or that she didn't ask me to do!"

Rubbing his face with his hands Jimin sighs, "No Kookie, you didn't, but that's not the point." He looks back in the direction of the other bedroom. "Did you ever stop and consider her feelings in all of this?"

Jungkook just stares at the floor his face expressionless, "N-no... not really, well I thought I knew."

"It's..." Jimin scratches the back of his head. He himself had never been good at these kinds of matters. There had been a time when there was someone, someone that he cared for a lot - too much in fact - and as it had all crumbled around him, he had chosen to stay; getting buried under it all.

"Complicated..." Jungkook finished for him. "I know it is, but you honestly can't tell me to just back down? After this? After what happened? "

"No, Kookie, I'm not saying that you should give up on her entirely. What I'm suggesting is maybe you should try to play it safe." Jimin looks at him with concern in his eyes. "You can't go and be reckless like you have been."

After Jimin finishes Jungkook eyes him suspiciously. "What exactly are you suggesting?"

"Well," A wry smile appears on Jimin's lips. "Taehyung is way too impulsive for his own good." He waited in silence, but as Jungkook shot his head; not understanding, he continued. "I placed a little bet before, you see."

"A Bet?"

"Yes, when I offered him the opportunity to ask any one thinking of us... That passionate fool... He could have asked us to stay away from her, but he didn't - he wasted that chance." Jimin gave Jungkook a wink. "Get it?"

"Holy shit, Jimin. Are you saying that you set him up?" Jungkook howls with laughter and claps Jimin on the back. "And all this time I thought you were trying to take her for yourself."

Jimin smirks at him, "Now, right there, my dear Makane, is where you're wrong. I don't hold the same feelings towards her as you and Tae do. I'm just in it for the chase - nothing more, nothing less."

His spirit lighter, Jungkook's mind was already racing; thinking of ways that he could get to Y/N. His thoughts are however disturbed by a chiming sound. Looking up, he sees Jimin dangling a set of keys in front of his face.

"I suggest we begin using this more creatively, or what do you say?"

Jungkook's face curves into an evil bunny smirk, "You sly dog, when did you get those?"

"Swiped them from that cute desk lady when we were checking in. Oh, what was her name..." He pauses looking up at the ceiling. "Ah, Betty... Mmm, yes she did look delicious, it's a pity that she declined us." He smirks at the thought of the things they both could do to her.

"You mean?" Jungkook's eyes widened.

"Yes - wherever we want." Jimin confirmed. 

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