Part 24 - Silence

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Taehyung still hadn't gotten off or pulled out of you yet, as the other two Makanes walked out of the bedroom.

You look up at him with a bit of concern. "Tae, what was that all about? I understand that you were being protective, but did you really have to be so harsh on them?"

Leaning down, Taehyung placed a soft kiss on your lips.

You smiled, but you still wondered about his reasons. "Tae?" You try again.

Letting out a sigh, he finally untangles himself from you and rolls over to land beside you. "Because," he says as he hurries to wrap his arms around you. "- you're mine."

You laugh and roll your eyes. "I will always be yours." You face him planting a kiss on his forehead. "But I'm serious, Tae, why do you all of a sudden feel the need to show them your claim on me? I mean, we both know neither one of us is going anywhere."

He lies there furrowing his brows. Seeming to toss his words about deep within.

Your eyes widen as his silence makes you realize something - something that you had never considered before.

"Tae..?" Your words come out in a whisper as you force yourself to meet his eyes, anxious for what he would reply. "Don't you trust my love for you?"

He makes a bit of a painful face. "No, Y/N, it's not that... not exactly."

Feeling a sharp pain in your chest, you lean your head back a little. "Then what is it, Tae? Because from the way you - no, the lack of much response - it speaks pretty loud."

After another few seconds of silence, you let out a sigh and roll away to get out of bed. It was clear that he had doubts when it came to you, and right now, the thought of that was simply too much for you. You needed to be alone, to think, and to figure out what was going on. Not just with him, but yourself as well - and you had to find out what was going on with Jimin and Jungkook.

Questions and thoughts were mangling together in your head, and it was just too much - you needed to get away from it. 

[21+] Tropical Kiss [Y/N x Maknae-line]Where stories live. Discover now