Part 26 - Advice

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Leaving the cottage, you had expected Taehyung to follow you immediately. Sitting down on the bench between your cottage and the beach, you stare out at the water - feeling like it was an eternity - and not just 24 hours - since you and Tae had played happily in the sand.

Watching as the waves crashed in, you told yourself that you did not want to talk with him, but as time passed and no Taehyung was to be seen, you could feel your tears swelling up in your eyes.

"Idiot..." You mumbled.

"Not talking about me, I hope."

A smooth voice says from behind causing you to jump slightly.

"Shit, Jimin, you scared me." You turn to look at him.

He gives a smile and plants himself next to you.

"I have a feeling of who it is... Noona. You know you don't have to be afraid to open up and talk with me."

Calming your mind you take a deep breath. "I'm honestly not sure what I know and don't know anymore..." You tell him. "Everything... Since this morning..."

You hear a small chuckle from your side, and glare at him.

"Sorry, Noona." Jimin apologizes. "It's just interesting how everyone is so on the edge - and just over some small thing."

"Small-?" You can't believe what you're hearing. "You really think this is a small thing?"

"Well," His eyes are gentle as he looks at you. "It was just friendly fun - wasn't it?" Leaning back on the bench, he looks up to study the orange sky above you. "A bit unexpected, I have to admit, but not really a bad thing, right?"

"J-Jimin... Whatever you feel it was... This morning I guess I can understand, but everything after... no, sorry, I don't feel that way about it. And because of it, I now just feel so confused." You look away trying to not let my tears fall.

"Noona..." The tone of Jimin's voice changed; becoming deeper and warmer. "It's okay to cry."

You feel an arm wrap around you, and for a brief moment your body freezes up. However, Jimin does nothing but pull you closer, his hand stroking you gently on the back.


"We're a bit much, I know." Looking out at the ocean, Jimin talks as if not to her, but to the beach itself. "We get carried away, and sometimes... Well, we don't even know why we do it... I guess for some of us...."

He pauses for a moment to glance at you before he turns his gaze back to the horizon. "I guess it's because some of us feel so lonely in this world... That we don't know any other way to fill the emptiness. Only with such inappropriate actions do we feel as though we're succeeding in filling that space... Just to find out later it has been ripped further apart." His eyes get slightly glossy, as he grips you closer.

"I don't mean to sound preachy to you, Noona. Nor am I trying to put my own emotions before yours." He gives you a small smile trying to mask his obvious pain and concern.

You look at him, and as you do, the walls you had pulled up in defense as he sat down, disappeared. This was not the Jimin that had made advances on you throughout the day, but neither was it the Jimin that you were used to from back home. No, this Jimin was someone else; aside you were sure he used to keep to himself.

"So..." Wrinkling your brows, you try to make sense out of his words. "It's like an outlet of some kind?"

"Ah... sort of." He laughs lightly and rubs the back of his head. "In the beginning, it was like a way of refueling ourselves, but over time, it turned into a routine - something that was just part of yet another day. Unhealthy as hell, I know, but what else is there to do when you know nothing else apart from being an Idol."

He shakes his head and faces you. "Now, back to what really matters at this moment in time." His eyes are burrowing into you. " I may be a bit arrogant, Noona, but you can't fool me. What happened between you and Taehyung?"

You look away from him, not wanting to meet his eyes. Jimin always seemed to know things - and more often than not - more than you wanted him to know. Letting out a sigh, you mutter a reply "What about it?"

"Well, you might want to talk about it?"


"No," He stopped you. "Hear me at least out first, okay?" He waited for you to nod, before continuing. "I think it might be good to talk about it, Noona. I know it is hard. I know you and Taehyung are extremely close and I can see that this is hard on you both."

You sit in silence, listening. You are not sure what he can possibly do or say to make the situation better, but you don't mind hearing him out.

"Remember, Y/N, he's my best friend. Well, I hope he is still after all of this. Even if he doesn't want to talk to me, he still will be mine... Anyway, I know he loves you, but he's got some deep-seated self issues - and he's too damn prideful to admit that."

This was something you know all too well. You just wished that Taehyung would open himself up to you on the matter. At the same time, you knew it was a topic you couldn't push on him.

Even with your silence, Jimin continues. "It's something he hasn't even spoken to me about... And I feel that you might be the only one who can actually get him to talk about it... Yes, I understand it'll be like pulling teeth, but I know you can do it, Y/N. Because I'm afraid if you don't... the path you both are going down right now... won't be very happy for anyone."

Although you want to protest; to deny his words and what he was insinuating, you can't. His words, although painful to hear and imagine... you know that it rings true.

The first time you had seen this side of Taehyung, you had asked him about it. You had regretted it instantly as a heavy emotional wall had fallen between you, and there was nothing you could do to break through it. It was as if he had shut down; the world of no matter to him. Only by changing the subject and going on about it had finally pulled him back to you. After that, you had been more careful, and although he did not immediately shut down, he still pulled away when you brought it up.

"But... But what if I can't?" You feel your throat tighten as you feel the emotional weight on you.

He hugs you close, "Please, don't take the harsh things he says to heart, because..." He pauses to plant a kiss on your head. "Noona, you have much more power over that man than you give yourself credit for." Jimin gives you the most sincere smile you've ever seen. No masked intentions played along his lips, just total and complete honesty and faith in whatever ability he thought you possessed.

"Jimin..." Feeling lighter at heart, you smile back at him. "Thank you. Thank you for making me feel better."

"Any day, Noona." He gives you a small wink, and then something seems to shift in his eyes. "But now that you seem to be alright..." He lets the words hang in the air as he wiggles his eyebrows at you. "How 'bout it, Noona? Wanna have some fun?"

Seeing his silly impression, you cannot hold back your laughter.

"Rude much!" Jimin complains, but there is nothing but a grin on his face as he joins in on the laughter.

You may not totally understand why he and Kookie do what they do, but you understand enough to know that they never fully mean to hurt people. That they're just two men lost at sea in search of their own version of paradise.

You use Jimin's shoulder as a brace to lift yourself up off the ground. Then, turning to him with a swell of newfound confidence, you exclaim. "I'm going to go and find Taehyung. I will try my best to stand my ground with him, and to get to the bottom of everything."

You begin to walk away, but stop and turn your head back to him. "Jimin, though you may be arrogant, you are much kinder than you lead on. I can see someone has hurt you deeply, but I know that one day you will open yourself fully - to that one person who will love you more than the universe." With that, you run off in search of that one person. "Tae..."

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