Part 8 - Make you Remember

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"Jimin I..." Honestly, you didn't know what to say or do as you did not have feelings for him. You loved Taehyung and the relationship you both had built over the years. But your desire for sex was overwhelming you. Your core burned with the need to be fed, and you only knew one way to satiate it.

You grip the couch tighter as Jimin follows the creases and dips in your ear with his tongue. You yelp by the sudden tickling; trying to cringe away, but Jimin is not letting that happen.

While pressing his finger up in you, he throws his other arm around your shoulder and pulls you even closer to him. Smiling against your ear, he let out a humming tone that sent vibrations down the length of his tongue and into your ear making you freeze up.

You can feel his finger begin to pump. Biting your lip, you try to lean back a little to break his hold.

However, this only prompts him to lean both of you backward; he hovering over you with the most wicked smirk. "Ooooh Noona, you're going to have it try harder than that."

The silkiness in his voice flows right to your core. You purse your lips, afraid that an unwanted moan would escape. "I'll make sure you never forget how I can make you feel." He growls low in your ear.

He takes your ear lobe in his mouth and gently caresses it between his teeth, adding just a little extra bite to it now and then. Letting his fingers move in some twisted synch with his biting, he resumed humming. Occupied holding your reactions muted, it takes you a while before noticing that he is humming on 'Lie'.

On instinct, you grab a fist full of his hair and pull his head to the side. Freeing you from his assault on your lobe. "Jimin....please." You look at him with eyes pleading.

Giving you one more hard pump and twist of his finger. He pulls out of you licking off your juices he grins, "As you wish, Noona."

Letting his body off and away from you, he relaxes back on the couch.

Trying to regain yourself, you hurry to straighten out your clothes; pulling on your skirt to have it cover as far down as it will allow. Your fingers run through your hair and you do your best to put it back in order.

Keeping your hands busy, you try your best to push away all thoughts of Jimin and what had just happened. This morning had been amazing, but at the same time unreal. It was if you had all not been yourselves in the bed - or not fully at least. But now... You sneak a peek to your side; looking along Jimin's profile.

He spots you eyeing him and he winks.

Just then, Jungkook walks back through the doors. "Damn, he didn't have to scold me like that." Jungkook says rolling his eyes.

"What is it Kookie?." You ask walking over to him.

He looks at you with a small smile. "Ha, just Taehyung-hyung getting frustrated with me because I forgot that we were here to promote that new Sports drink....uhh I forget what it's called." He laughs with that bunny smile and rubs the back of his head.

You join in on his laugh, his adorable bunny face making it impossible for you not to.

A relief runs through your body. You could still not get over the actions of Jimin, and a part of you had been worried that Jungkook might also act differently around you. However, seeing the sweet smile on his lips, you are reassured. Jungkook has never been anything but sweet to you. Although he was doing a lot of sexual activities with Jimin, you had always felt that Jimin had been the one in charge and that Jungkook mostly was tagging along for the ride.

"It's Bubble Trouble," you tell him. "And he should be - what if anyone had asked you and you didn't know? That would have been bad, wouldn't it?"

Jungkook nods as he listens to your reasoning. "Well, I'll make sure not to forget this time, Noona. Thank you for telling me."

You hear a snort from the couch, but choose to ignore it. "No problem." You returned Jungkook's smile, your heart rejoices as you're glad that all is back to normal; that Jungkook is just acting like your friend.

Hearing the door open again you see, Taehyung. "Finally, I missed you." You run over to him and jump into his arms. He nuzzles your neck, planting it with kisses. "I wasn't gone for that long, baby. Now if someone didn't forget the details of this "vacation" I would have been back a lot sooner." He eyes Jungkook, who just rolls his eyes at Taehyung.

"Well, we're all ready to go, yeah?" Jimin says, not missing a beat he gets up and heads to the pool bar. You and Taehyung follow behind him, your fingers intertwined with his. Jungkook trailing behind.

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