Part 76 - Y/N - Haven

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The sandy shoreline stretched beneath Y/N's feet as she walked along the beach, the rhythmic sounds of the waves keeping her company as she let her mind wander

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The sandy shoreline stretched beneath Y/N's feet as she walked along the beach, the rhythmic sounds of the waves keeping her company as she let her mind wander.

When Taehyung had left her to attend his meeting, the plan had been a simple stroll. Yet, as her steps carried her off, she had gotten lost in her thoughts and the growing conflict within her.

Uncertain of how long had passed, Y/N wished she had brought her phone. Instead, she glanced up at the scorching sun above her, attempting to gauge the passage of time. How long had she walked like this? Could Taehyung's meeting might be over soon?

She should probably head back to the cabin to change out of the swimsuit and into a dress, but the thought wasn't tempting enough to rip herself away from the peaceful walk.

Closing her eyes, she decided to continue; letting the gentle sea breeze play with her hair as the golden grains of sand embraced her feet with each step she took. The warmth of the blazing sun, however, soon began to wear on her, and a sigh escaped her lips as she wished for the shade of a sun hat she had left behind in their room.

Annoyed at herself for not bringing one, she was about to give in and head back, when a distinct shape in the distance caught her attention. Squinting against the sunlight, she took a closer look, and a smile spread across her lips as recognition dawned.

It was a bridge!

Relief filled Y/N as she quickened her pace towards the bridge. It wasn't the prospect of crossing over the water that drew her, but rather the promise of shadows that lay underneath it.

Once beneath the arch, Y/N let out a relieved sigh, finding solace in the sanctuary of shade. Walking further into the shadow, she let her hand lightly graze the textured surface of the bridge's support; the bricks' coolness provided a welcome break from the sun's blazing heat. Leaning against it, she let the coolness envelop her, and she allowed her body to slide down until she was sitting with her back against the cool brick support of the bridge. 

Closing her eyes, Y/N allowed herself a moment to breathe deeply, allowing the calming ambiance to seep into her senses.

It had been an intense day, and her heart still racing from the confrontation in the cave - his words still echoing in her mind. She had tried to let it go, to push it aside, but there was something about what Taehyung had said that lingered in her thoughts:

"I don't know what I would do without you, Love. I don't ever want to lose you." 

She couldn't help but wonder where it came from. He had told her that he was working through some things, and that it was taking a toll on him. But for him to say something like that... Was he just speaking in general terms? Or could there be something more behind his words? Could he genuinely be thinking that it was a possibility? Was he worried that she might leave him?

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