Part 2 - Love at the Beach

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You run towards the edge of the beach laughing and playfully screaming. As Taehyung chases you to the water's edge. You stop, the water coming just up to your ankles. And give him the biggest smirk.

"Oohhh no babe, don't you fucking dare." Taehyung gives you a sly smile. Which prompts you to splash water at him

"That's it!" He laughs as he enters the water with you - no longer caring whether he gets wet or not. Continuing the chase, he chases you down until he finally wraps his arms around you and spins around with you.

You are both laughing as he puts you down on your feet again. Feeling happier than you have in a long time, you look up at him - meeting his eyes as he looks down at you as well. It all felt like a cliché movie, but at this moment in time, you did not care. If the world had decided to send singing birds to cheer on you at that moment... Well, that would have been strange, but you would not have minded.

"What are you thinking about?"

You blink, drawn back to the moment. "Aah, haha, nothing." You laugh.

Taehyung raises his brow.

"Really!" you insist.

"Hhmmmm, are you sure?" He runs his finger down and applies pressure to your clit. Causing you to let out a small moan.

"T-taaaaeee, there could be people around. Maybe perverts or even worse, the paparazzi." You groan out, trying not to let your walls crumble under his touch.

"Baby if they want a show then just let them watch." He growls into your ear, nibbling on your lobe.

"But," Still not sure about the privacy, you keep looking to the sides in search of any sign of a person or camera. "You'd get in trouble if it got out." You get out between the moans he is pulling out of you.

"Shh-" he shushes you as he gently presses his lips down on yours, making your body relax against his warmth. Deepening the kiss, he begins sucking on your tongue; your groans echoing into his mouth.

Not being able to resist him any longer, your walls and care of being spotted blow away with the wind around you. Your hands wrap around his waist and you pull his pelvis closer to you. Causing him to moan and bite down on your tongue. You give a satisfied laugh and playfully squeeze his ass.

"Have you ever done it in the water before?" You teased him.

Raising his brow at you, he looks out at the water before looking back at you. "You mean you wanna get it now? Just undress here on this open beach and walk naked into the sea with me, is that what you want, baby?"

Eager, you are about to nod, when a sound makes you swirl your head to look at across the water. Making a buzzing sound, you spot something closer, and as you study it, it turns out to be a boat. The beach might be rented for the four of you, but the sea was not.

Taehyung sighs with a look that lies between annoyance and joy, you really couldn't tell which.

You caress his cheek and purr. "It's alright baby maybe tonight we can try it out here. But for now, let's get to the cottage." You kiss him once more and smack him on the ass. Before you started heading off into the direction of the building you all were staying at. Hearing his laughter behind you a smile spreads across your face. Just happy to be here with him in such a beautiful place.

Opening the door, you are both met by a bright room with windows aligned close to the ceiling to give as much fresh air while at the same time giving all the privacy that vacation goers would need.

Your study of the room got cut short as you felt hands wrapping around your waist and pulling you back up against him as soft lips pressed against your neck. You giggled as he hummed down on your skin, and for a second you were tempted to let him do what he wanted, but pulling on your inner strength, you gently released yourself.

"Sst-stop it, Tae", You giggled. "I'm all sweaty. Let me take a shower first, okay?" Seeing his brow arch up at the beginning of a wiggle, you added. "Alone, Tae."

Though he pouted a bit, he gave you a nod and headed over to the suitcases you had brought.

Smiling, you went into the shower, and as you re-entered the bedroom a few minutes later, he gave you a quick peck on the lips and a smack on your ass before hurrying past you and into the bathroom. Soon after you heard the water from the shower.

Waiting for him to finish, you unpacked the rest of your belongings, before falling to rest on the bed.

You could feel yourself nearing sleep. Then you feel tiny drops of water hitting your face. "What the?.." You peak one eye open. To meet swirling brown captivating orbs. "Oh already done with the shower." You ask, cocking an eyebrow.

He just chuckles and shakes his wet hair over you.

"Tae!" Laughing you playfully swat at his arm. It's then when you realized...that he doesn't even have on any clothes. All that adorns him is a thin black towel. And a wicked grin playing along his lips.

Gulping, you pull yourself up into a sitting position and let your eyes feast on what is in front of you. His skin is still damp and you can see droplets falling from his hair and down his shoulders and chest. Following them as they run down his body, all you want is to lick them.

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