Part 79 - Y/N - Kiss Me

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"If you want us to fuck you

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"If you want us to fuck you... you will have to say it, won't you?" Jimin teased. "You'll have to beg. And then I will give you my cock, Princess. Only then will I take you just the way you've dreamed about. I will bend you over and fuck you hard. Fuck you until you forget about everything except how good I make you feel. And that, that is something you will never be able to forget."

Stunned, Y/N stood in a daze, barely noticing as her bikini bottoms were pulled down her legs and fell to the sand. It was only when a sudden, cold gust of wind hit her that she realized. Eyes wide, she looked down and found Jimin crouching in front of her; his eyes fixated on her naked body.

"Mhmm... So pretty." Puckering his lips, he blew another stream of cold air at her pussy. "And so wet."

Heat rushed to Y/N's face as she tried to squeeze her legs together, while at the same time covering herself from the lustful eyes.

"Don't hide." Jungkook's hands moved down, caressing her hips, before slipping a finger between her legs to feel along her slick core. "Let us take care of you."

"Jung-" She began, but was silenced as Jimin got back up and grabbed her face, kissing her passionately while grinding against her.

Y/N groaned as she melted into him. She couldn't help it.

Behind her, Jungkook's breathing had grown heavier.

Pulling away from her, Jimin licked his lips before he looked over her shoulder. "Your turn."

"Wha-" The younger stammered, surprisingly nervously. "But, Hyung-"

"Ah, you're right." Jimin cut him off, his gaze returning to Y/N. "We should have her ask, shouldn't we?"

Y/N raised a brow. He had been serious about that? It hadn't just been a part of his dirty talk?

"You want him, Y/N?" Jimin asked, leaning over to nibble at her ear. "You want Jungkook to kiss your pretty lips? To slide his tongue inside all those sweet holes of yours until they are begging for more?"

Her breath hitched, a gasp escaping her lips at his words.

Jimin leaned even closer, his words a whisper now. "You do, don't you?"

Just then, Jungkook's hand moved, caressing her slit.

"Aah-! Y-yes."

"Fuck." Groaning, Jungkook didn't waste a second in turning her around and pushing her against the wall. "You want me, Noona? You really want me to kiss you?"

"Jung-" She started, but her voice faltered as his fingers rubbed her clit. "Yes!"

Jungkook bit his lip, his eyes growing dark as his touch turned demanding, the pressure against her most sensitive spot enough for her to close her eyes.

"Tell him." Jimin said. "We can do whatever you want - take you however you want. But you need to say it. To mean it."

Y/N was in a haze, the possibilities flashing through her mind. "I want to - ohh! Fuck! Kiss me!" Opening her eyes, she met Jungkook's eyes, seeing the need deep within them. Though her body was building her towards a high, there was something inside of her that was melting, crumbling. "Kiss me, Jungkook."

Jungkook growled, and with a jerk, he grabbed her and pulled her close. His lips claimed hers, swallowing the moans as he devoured her mouth. He kissed her as if his life depended on it, and it wasn't long before his tongue pressed against her lips, seeking entry.

She couldn't hold back even if she'd wanted to. Not anymore. Her knees weakened, and her head was swimming. She felt hot all over and so, so close to the edge.

As she did, Jungkook broke away.

"Please, Noona." A pleading look on his face as he looked at her. "Tell me to make you cum."

She was dazed. "W-what?"

"Do it." Jimin urged, reaching out and pulling her face to his. He kissed her, but this kiss was different. It was barely more than a peck. It was almost... sweet? Which made what he said next even more shocking when he spoke again: "Let him taste you."

A groan escaped the youngest as he lowered himself. Kneeling between her legs, his hot breath brushed over her already swollen and sensitive clit. "Tell me, Noona. Tell me to make you cum with my tongue. Let me taste you."

All thoughts fled from her brain; only one thought remained: the image of his head between her legs.


Jungkook's fingers dug into her hips, holding her in place against the brick wall. "Say it." He told her, pressing his tongue against her opening, while looking up at her with begging eyes.

Her heart raced faster, heat rising as she saw some of her wetness leaking out of her and down on his waiting tongue. She swallowed. Her fingers trembled slightly as the words tumbled out: "Please do it. Taste me."


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