Part 90 - Y/N - Initiative

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Y/N's heart leaped, feeling drawn toward him as if for a kiss, yet knowing it would not happen

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Y/N's heart leaped, feeling drawn toward him as if for a kiss, yet knowing it would not happen. She wondered how he dared to play around in front of the camera team.

Then, his eyes never leaving hers, Taehyung kissed her.

His mouth moved against hers. It was familiar to her by now, that Y/N had half a mind to kiss him back. His lips were soft, and gentle, as they brushed against hers, tempting her to reciprocate.

With the slightest movement of her mouth against his, she felt a fluttering in her stomach and tingling on her skin. Only a few seconds passed before her hands came up to touch his cheeks as she let herself melt into the kiss.

Then he pulled away.

As Y/N blinked her eyes open, she saw Taehyung straighten up with a satisfied look on his face, eyes fixed on her mouth.

His lips looked swollen and had a deeper color than before, but she had no time to take it in before his eyes found the camera. The words he said next made her heart jump: "Not while you're mine."

The words were clearly addressed to Y/N, though spoken with the conviction that the others in the greenhouse could not miss hearing them.


Not one word was spoken within the greenhouse as time seemed to stand still.

"Okay! Cut! Cut!" Mr. Ovalliere clapped his hands together. "Nice take! The chemistry was off the charts!"

The room erupted with voices. Men and women turned to each other in low voices as they looked toward Taehyung and Y/N.

"It was really nice."

"Yeah, totally. It was so cute."

"Wait! Did you hear what he said? Are the two of them dating?!"

"What? Dating? No way!"

"Wasn't he seen with that dancer? I thought they might-"

"That blond one? No, she was already married. I checked."

"Yeah, and there's no way he'd be dating her either. What was I even thinking."

Y/N couldn't hear what was being said as her heartbeat was so loud it rang in her ears.

What the hell was going on?

Why had he kissed her like that in front of the camera crew? And his words... Why did it feel as if he was declaring ownership of her? Not just to her, but to the others in the room as well?

Taehyung's arm wrapped around her shoulder, pulling her to his side. "You okay, Love?"

Y/N barely heard what he said before Mr. Ovalliere stepped closer, eyes sparkling.

"Truly spectacular, Mr. Kim! But, you forgot your line." He added with an apologetic smile. "The slogan of HotShot: 'Never give up! Get hot - with 'HotShot'!' As well as showing off the product."

"Ah, yeah, sorry." Taehyung's face broke into an embarrassed grin as he let go of Y/N and scratched the back of his neck. "I just suddenly got this idea and thought I'd see it through to see if it worked."

"Oh, goodness no. Don't get me wrong!" Mr. Ovalliere continued. "I love the initiative! So well-spoken! Such passion! Perfect!" He walked to them, gesturing animatedly as he talked. "The idea with the flower behind Miss Rei's ear was beautiful! Such a nice touch! It's a lovely addition and fits the whole idea of a 'HotShot' romance!"

Y/N could only stare. How? How did that make sense in any way? There was no way not to make it awkward if he just went from kissing her to speaking about a vitamin drink named 'HotShot'. Was she meant to be in such a daze after that kiss that she wouldn't notice the thorn?

As Y/N struggled with the situation, she was glad when she heard a voice break through the director's babble.

"Oh, just forget it, Jimin!" Jungkook's voice was louder than usual, sounding annoyed. "If you wanna keep being all cryptic and dense, then be my guest. But I'm not."

"But, Jungkook, I told- Fuck..."

Y/N turned around in surprise, catching a glimpse of Jungkook as he shook the older's arm off him. He didn't look happy as he walked towards her, while Jimin trailed behind him while muttering something Y/N couldn't make out.

"Just take a breath and-"

"Ey! Tae!" Reaching the edge of the pool, Jungkook stopped, his hands on his hips as he frowned at his friend. "What the fuck was that?!"

 "What the fuck was that?!"

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