Part 29 - Beneath The Lights

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Taehyung's heart swelled and threatened to burst from his chest at her words. Even though his mind is always at odds with him, he knows without a doubt, that so long as she is by his side, there isn't any obstacle they couldn't face.

Rubbing his nose against hers, his eyes scan the surrounding area. Not a soul is to be seen. Then he spots something, taking her by the hand he guides them both up on their feet.

"Come with me, Y/N." Giving her his boxy smile. He leads them a little bit down the shoreline.

"Tae, where are you taking us?" She asks curiously.

"It's not that far, love, I promise." He says glancing at her, then fixing his eyes forward again

As Taehyung had said, it didn't take them long to reach the thing that caught his eye. She let out a small gasp when they finally stopped. Taehyung gave her hand a small squeeze.

"I saw this and thought we could stay the night here... just us." He says as his face turning a light pink from slight embarrassment.

It was a beautiful little, blue cloth tent that looked out towards the ocean. Twinkling lights adorn the exterior that gave it just enough light in the setting sun

Taehyung led them towards the entrance and guided her in first. The interior was just as beautiful as the outside. A feathered bed lay on the ground, covered in a silk sheet with cute light blue pillows. Looking around, there were small lights that lined the inside corners of the tent.

"Tae, this is-" Lost for words, she looks around; taking in everything. "How - Is it really okay for us to-?"

Taehyung nods. "It's alright, love, It is all for us."

Nodding slowly, her eyes still in a daze from this beautiful surprise in front of her, Taehyung guides her over to the bed. Sitting down on it, he can feel the mattress giving in under him, and wonders if this might be the softest thing he has ever sat on. Smiling to himself, he's already imagining letting Y/N sink down into it with him, and how her softness will be under him as they lay on the cloud.

"Y/N..." The name escapes his lips as light as a feather, and pulling gently on her hand, he helps her fall down beside him, the expression of delight on her face as she's enveloped by softness is enough to make his heart sing out.

He loved her - truly loved her with every fiber of his body. His heart was nothing but an empty hole if she was not there to fill it - to fill him with love.

Facing each other he brushes his fingers lightly against her cheek, and her face turns red from his touch. He pulls her in close breathes in her intoxicating scent and begins to sing into her ear.

~"Can you be my lover up until the very end?
Let me show you, love, oh, no pretend
Stick by my side even when the world is caving in."~

He could feel her hands glide up and down his spine, which sent electricity throughout his body. Running his fingers down through her hair he continues to sing verses from Pink Sweat$'s "At My Worst".

~"I need somebody who can love me at my worst
Know I'm not perfect but I hope you see my worth
'Cause it's only you, nobody new, I put you first
And for you, girl, I swear I'd do the worst."~

"Mmmmm, Pink Sweat$ on the brain today, huh?" She says, sighing into his chest.

Taehyung laughs deep in his throat, "What can I say, Y/N? I'm a hopeless romantic."

Her hands moving in small motions on his back, they touch upon all his back muscles and, as if he was getting a massage, his body relaxed everywhere she touched. Her hands moving down, they were approaching his-

"Rrr." A low growl purred from his throat as she squeezed his ass gently; playfully as she began placing little kisses slightly on his collarbone and neck.

The kisses; soft and gentle. Not filled with desire or lust, they pulsated with love and warmth, and what - was it- a slight touch of sadness? Though he wanted nothing but happiness for her, he knew it had hurt her, and though forgiven, the wound was not yet healed.

Taehyung closed his eyes and let her take him wherever she wanted.

Her hands slid up his back, gently applying pressure with her nails. Which causes him to nip lightly at her ear lobe.

Sucking it in between his lips, he grinds it softly between his teeth. His hands glide slowly down her side; feeling the curves of her frame. When they reached her thigh, he traced small circles against it.

"Mhmmm..." she lets out a murmur of content as she kisses, moving up, moving across his face, his beautiful spots, and finally, gently, pressing her own lips onto his; holding him close while taking in the sensation of their lips touching.

Leaning into the kiss, Taehyung presses his lips harder on hers and slowly divides his lips just enough for him to let his tongue slide out to gently caress her cupid's bow.

His fingers intertwine with her soft hair and give it a light tug; exposing her neck for him. He plants small kisses up and down it, rewarding his ears with the sound of her sweet laughter. He could practically feel both of their hearts pick up speed. Their bodies slowly mold into one. Every fiber of their beings was being weaved together during this beautiful moment of life.

"Aah, Tae~" Her voice a long sigh, she moans as she moves her hands down to his only piece of clothing - his shorts.

Playing around with the rim of it, her hands grip around his hips before she lets them glide down and into his pants. Chuckling, she notices that there was no underwear in place, and with a wry smile appearing on her lips, she moves her hands to the front of him, sliding her finger around him.

He hisses from her touch and gives her thigh a hard squeeze, and as she slowly starts to pump his member, he sucks at the base of her neck.

The hand on her thigh wanders upwards beneath her skirt where he flicks her lightly on the clit.

She gives out a light cry from the sudden amount of pleasure.

"You're very naughty - not wearing any undergarments." He purrs against her neck.

"Same could be said for you," she responds. "Running around without any boxers like that... What if you'd had a..." She squeezes his shaft suddenly and draws a small gasp from him. "Situation... "

"You little..." Taehyung begins but is cut off by her hand moving in a pulsing motion; massaging him rhythmically and hitting all his sensitive spots.

His moans are loud as she continues, pacing her movements to his now thrusting hips.

"Mmmmm, fuck... Y/N..." He growls deep in his throat.

Normally this is when he would have taken complete control of the situation, but today... Today he was enjoying the feeling of having her take over his very soul.

Rubbing her clit to the rhythm of his thrusts, he moves his lips to her ear. Nibbling on it, he whispers wickedly. "Come and do your worst, love."

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