Part 72 - Y/N - Hidden from the World

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"Not yet, Princess

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"Not yet, Princess." Taehyung groans as he retreats from your lips. Sitting upright, he takes his hands and places them on either side of your hips; then snapping himself in and out harder.

You grip his wrist for some support as you cry out in pleasure; your moans so loud that you're sure anyone in the area could hear.

After what feels like hours of him drilling into you, you can feel yourself wanting to cum again. "Mmm, ahhh, Tae... please." You moan, your bud pulsing from the overstimulation.

Taehyung gives you his boxy smile and pants. "Okay, Love." He leans back in and kisses you passionately as he's pulling himself out of you. "Turn over and let me see that cute ass of yours."

Eager to please you both, you spin, careful not to slip as you get into the position. You're barely in place before you feel a stinging blow on your right ass cheek that makes you gasp out. The pain barely fades before another strike falls, but this time, it's followed by him gripping your hips, before slamming into you hard.

The bliss takes over. All you can do is to hold on to the unevenness of the stone as he buries himself within you - bringing you over the edge in seconds.


You feel his body twitch and jerk as he's fighting his own body; wanting to prolong the pleasure for only a moment longer. The grotto fills with cries and moans of pleasure; sounds of slapping skin mix with the sound of water. You rest your cheek against the coolness of the stone, as your moans turn into pants. "Tae, I don't know how much longer I can last."

"It won't be too long now." He grunts, and gives a few more hard thrusts.

You feel him twitch, filling you deep within, and the sensation sends you over the edge again. Biting your lips, you shut your eyes close as you ride out the bliss of the orgasm; your warm release coating him with another layer.

Taehyung grunts, and you felt him pull out before shuffling around to lay beside you on the now steamy rock.

"That... That was..." You start, but you find it difficult to voice the words, so instead, you roll onto your side to look at him.

He looks so beautiful - his skin a caramel shade; warm, soft, and inviting. Panting softly, he's regaining his breath, his eyes shut as small beads of sweat trickle down his chiseled face.

You smile as you reach out and wipe at the sweat on his face. "Thank you..." You whisper, leaning closer to place a soft kiss on his lips before curling up next to him.

A few minutes pass, and you're about to fall asleep from the camming sounds of the water, when you feel soft kisses along the side of your neck.

"Tae..." You murmur, your body exhausted after your lovemaking. "I don't think I can go for another round."

He chuckles.

The sound makes you open your eyes. "What?"

"Although I wouldn't mind, that's not all that's on my mind, Love."

You roll your eyes.

"As much as I would love to stay here together, hidden from the world. We have to be getting back to the hotel." Taehyung says, lightly running a hand through your hair.

You let out a disappointed whine, but as he gets off you and offers you a hand, you accept it and let him pull you up.

"We'll continue that later, Love." Taehyung promises. "And... I didn't tell you, but... I brought a surprise for you... For us..."

"Oh?" You ask, instantly curious. However, no matter how many times and ways you asked him on the swim back to the hotel, Taehyung would not let one hint slip.

"I'll see you after the meeting." Pulling you close, he brushed his lips to yours; teasing them before giving you a deep kiss. "I shouldn't be more than 2 hours... I hope."

Smiling at him, he gives you his boxy smile, then turns and heads up towards the direction of the cabin.

"I hope he gets changed in time for his meeting." You sigh, turning around to gaze back out to the sea; watching the colors of the slow setting sun bouncing off the waves.

Stretching out your arms, you look towards the sky and take a deep breath of the warm salty air. Dropping your arms at your sides, you walk down along the beach line.

It's nice outside, and although you already miss your boyfriend, you are grateful for finally getting some time to yourself. Kicking sand randomly, your toe touches something, and you crouch down to pick up a shell.

'It's pretty.' You think, and as you spot another close by, you pick up that one as well. Looking down at the shells in your hand, you smile. Today has been such a good day. And, although with everything that's been going on, you hope that it can continue that way.

 And, although with everything that's been going on, you hope that it can continue that way

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[21+] Tropical Kiss [Y/N x Maknae-line]Where stories live. Discover now