Part 12 - The Stalker

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"What?!" You try to get out, but the hand is hindering you. You know it is close to impossible to get away from any of them when they are in this mood, but you try pushing your elbow back; feeling it making an impact.


You hear a gasp. And NOT the one you were expecting. Swirling around, you face your 'kidnapper'. "B-Betty?!"

The receptionist is massaging her side where your elbow hit her. "Ach, that hurt."

"I'm sorry, I thought it was-" You stop yourself - who had you even though it had been? "Why were you doing that though? I thought I was getting kidnapped."

"I'm..." Betty looks to both sides. "I wasn't sure what to do."

You narrow your brows. "About what?"

"Those men from yesterday..."

Beginning to understand, your eyes widen. "They didn't-!"

Waving her hands in front of her, Betty hurries to continue on her explanation. "No no, nothing like that. I mean, they did, but I... I couldn't just..."

For a reason you cannot explain, you feel relieved. Betty was apparently the failed hunt that had led to all that had happened this day. Most likely, she had turned them down, but if that was the case, then what did she want with you?

"So, they are mad at you?" You asked.

"I'm not sure." Betty confessed. "I thought it was nothing, but then... Right now... As I passed by the reception, he was following me - I'm sure of it!"

Your eyes widened. "They what? Who?"

"The handsome one."

You scratch your head. That could easily be either one of them. "So?"

"I know it is a lot to ask, but could you please help me?" She looked around. "Could you distract him so that I can get away?"

"Uuuuuh, yea sure." You sigh trying your best to not sound annoyed with her not telling you which Makane was the culprit. "Do you remember which way he went?" You ask her quizzically, looking around to make sure the other guests weren't near.

"He was following me as I went through the diner, out the door. That was when I noticed him." She told me. "At first I didn't know what to do, so I just kept walking, and when he continued, he sped up. I was beginning to panic when I saw you. Well, not you - but a female. I'm so happy it was you though - as you know them." She looks worried. "I'm not sure if I could have asked this of anyone else - I mean, what if they did something to a girl who only tried to help me out!"

"It sounds like something they would pull." You blurt out, not thinking. "Oh, I'm sorry I didn't mean for it to sound bad." Scratching the back of your head. "Do you want to find them with me or would you rather not?"

"Oh no, I'd rather stay away, to be honest." Her cheeks flush up. "It's not that I wouldn't just... I can't lose my job, and if I see him again... I don't know how much longer I would be able to say no."

"That's the Makane Effect for ya." Running your fingers through your hair. "Betty, how about you stay right here. And I'll go talk to him." You pat her on the back.

Receiving an eager nod from the girl, you draw a deep breath. "Here we go then." You mumbled to yourself as you walked back out the alleyway and looked to both sides in the hope to get a glance of a makne.

At first, you didn't see anything, but as you continued down towards the bathrooms, a familiar back and tuft of hair came into sight. So that was who had followed poor Betty, you thought. Taking another deep breath, you called out to him.

He turns around and you're greeted by a wicked bunny smile.

"Ah, Jeon Jungkook, so it was you!" You spit, totally baffled that he would do something like that to Betty. When you're right in front of him. You poke your finger into his chest. "What do you have to say for yourself about pulling that shit with people. You could get into trouble for stalking someone!"

Your hands fly around in his face as you talk. You honestly didn't mean to blow up like this, but something about him making Betty feel that uncomfortable made your blood boil.

As you tell him off, his smile disappears a little at a time, until it is no more. Left is nothing but confusion and a little sadness. "Noona, I didn't think this of you." He began, and now it was your time to be confused.

"Me? What about me? Am I the one harassing Betty?"

"Who? I'm not harassing anyone."

"Really?" You crossed your arms in front of your chest. "So how come you followed her through the entire building and even out here then?"

"I wasn't following her." A slight shade of pink grew on his cheeks. "I was following you, Noona."

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