Part 21 - Pure Love

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Jimin's face has turned to the side, beating bright red his facial expression was between aroused and embarrassed. Jungkook on the other hand was staring straight at the both of you; his expression flat with red flash twinges on his cheeks and his hands balled up into fists at his side.

Taehyung just smirks and continues his light assaults upon your wanting body. He glides a hand up your skirt and playfully rubs up and down on your inner thigh and you reward him with a moan.

"Mmmmm, love, your beautiful moans are music to my ears." He groans close to your entrance, before lightly blowing onto it.

Feeling the tingle of his hot breath, you curl your body in anticipation. Taehyung was found of teasing you while you were in bed. He liked watching you as his teasing was playful and calculated as he wanted to push you as far as possible.

But not now, not this time. This time, his movements were soft and loving - intended on giving as much pleasure as possible while not building up a frustrating need in you.

"Does it feel good, baby?" He whispered sweetly as he gently put his soft tongue to your clit and letting it trace you in a slow and earthshaking way. Placing it once more, he carefully lets his tongue grace in your wetness, and you hear the sound as he slurps up some of your juices.

You curl your toes and gently grabs tufts of his hair and tugging slightly to encouraging him further.

Concurring with your request, he hums 'Pied Piper' against you, and the vibrations cause you to moan.

"T-taehyung...." You purr looking down at him, his eyes were flooded with the desire to please you- to make sure that you understood how much you meant to him, body and soul.

Tears begin to well up inside as you gaze down upon this gorgeous man - whom you honestly don't think you deserve, and yet, you know he would say the same of you.

"I love you so much." You whisper out once more, and as a response, he places a kiss on your clit; letting his tongue trace around it and building you to the point where you- "Aa-aaaaah."

Your climax washes over you like rain after a burning day.

After he's sucked your release from your throbbing mound. He trails light kisses and nips slowly back upwards. Nibbling at your sensitive spots as he trails your tummy and breasts, he kisses your collarbone and neck seductively as he moves up. Reaching your face. He places kisses on each of your eyelids, your nose, and then your mouth.

The warmth spreads in you as you welcome his lips with your own and let him engulf you in his feelings. These sweet actions cause your tears to finally flow from your eyes as you giggle with happiness.

"I love you so much, Y/N. You make my soul complete." He says lovingly giving you a look of deep desire. "Please never... forget... that... no matter what we may face... I will never... leave your side." He coos between words as he traces kisses along your jawline.

"And never I you." You respond, your throat getting thick with emotions. "I'm yours and you're mine - forever."

"Forever." He echoes, caressing your cheek gently before placing a gentle kiss on your lips.

You gently glide your hands to the button on his tight jeans. Undoing them. he helps you slide them and his boxers down, and he kicks them off onto the floor.

Letting out a small laugh from his eagerness, you are rewarded as gives you a smirk before he leans down to growl by your ear.

"I am going to make love to you now, Y/N, I hope you're ready."

Capturing your lips with his, he gently nibbles on your lower lip. Easing into you slowly, he then starts grinding and thrusting into you in slow sensual motions.

You let out a deep moan as he moves inside you. Moving your hands from his hair and down to caress his back, you begin moving your own body; rocking your own body in pace with his movements, meeting him in every thrust.

"Aah-" A moan escapes his lips and is followed by him deepening his thrusts, burying himself as far into you as he could before letting go and doing it all over.

The sensation of him, the movements and pulsation of his throbbing member inside of you, pushes you closer and closer and building you up to another high.

"T-tae... I'm so c-close." You moan as you can feel your walls being to close around him. He plants kisses all over your face as he quickens his pace just ever so slightly making his thrusts deeper.

"Yes, love, cum for me." He purrs, taking your lips with his and running his fingers into your hair. Your eyes roll back as your release draws ever nearer.

"Ah, Tae, Ah-aa, Taaaaae~" You gasp out as the knot in you finally releases and pushes you over the edge and into bliss.

Sensing the moment you of your release, Taehyung changes his own rhythm and angle, taking his own pleasure as you ride out your own. Leaning down over you, he claims your lips in a deep kiss, as he with a final push drives himself to your deepest deep, and releases himself.

This was the sweetest release you've ever felt from both of you. It was like you were seeing colors for the first time - an explosion before your eyes, as you both came to climax.

Dripping with passion. you cup his face into your hands and take his lips in a tender kiss. Rubbing your nose against his, you whisper:

"I love you."

"And I love you, Y/N."

Gazing into each other's eyes, a shuffling movement from the side catches your attention, and you both look to the side.

Jungkook has moved a few inches towards you both. Glaring, his face beat red with anger.

Jimin, his face filled with worry, has grabbed Jungkook's arm in an attempt to settle him down - not wanting him to do further damage to anyone or anything.

Taehyung smirks at the two men and declares in a commanding tone: "Now, I believe I've made it pretty clear that neither one of you will ever be able to make her feel the way I do. No matter how much you may try, there's no way in hell either one of you can sever the bond she and I have."

He kisses you tenderly before releasing your lips.

His eyes sliding back on to the others. "For our love is unlike any other."

"Kookie... Let's just go, man. There's nothing for us here." Jimin quietly says to him.

Still fuming, Jungkook breathes hard. "Fine!" He huffs, and then turns and allows Jimin to guide him back out of the bedroom.

[21+] Tropical Kiss [Y/N x Maknae-line]Where stories live. Discover now