Part 14 - Fire Inside

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"Jungkook.....promise me, please. We never speak or acknowledge that we've done this or what happened earlier in the cabin. I can't get my head straight. This may be my hormones talking, but right now this is the only thing that makes sense." You pant at him, still trying to catch your breath.

"Noona, I won't tell anyone, not any of my Hyungs. Not anyone unless you tell me so." He closes the gap between you two. Grabbing you by the back of your head and tugging you into another searing kiss.

You moan out as you feel your lips vibrate from the fierceness of his kiss. His tongue caressing yours in a dance of pure need, while his hands roam hungrily over your body.

"Kookie-" You moan out as you feel a tug on the back of your skirt and a hand grasping around your ass.

"Noona, I want to be inside you so bad." He growls, nipping at your lower lip while giving one cheek a firm squeeze - causing you to moan and suck his upper lip into your mouth.

"K-kookie, I need...this" You pant. You could hear your heart beating throughout the room as you feel his warm body molding with yours. You give in and slide your fingers beneath his shirt and drag your nails down his back.

A raspy growl escapes his lips and just like this morning. Something seems to happen to him; as a curtain pulled aside to let you see the Jungkook beneath the sweet Kookie. His looks are wilder and rougher, and you feel your body shiver with what is to come.

Letting go of your lips, he looks down at your body before kneeling. Careful not to ruin them, he yanks your panties down your legs and helps you step out of them.

You grasp the clasp on the side of your skirt lining to remove that as well, but a warm hand stops you.

"Keep it." Jungkook says before getting back up on his feet and hoisting you up to wrap your legs around his waist. He places you on the countertop, your legs clung to him.

"Jungkook.... please." You whimper out his name and grind your hips against his. Your core burning with need.

He leans over and sucks onto your neck gently as to not leave fresh marks, but enough to make you give out another moan of pleasure.

"Mmh~" You let him draw out moans as you lean your head to the side to give him all the access he wants. Your fingers grabbing a hold of his shirt, you unbutton it quickly and can't help but let out a purr in delight as your hands glide over his perfectly toned muscles.

"Enjoying yourself, are we, Y/N?"

A jolt shivers through you as he whispers in your ear. He almost always calls you 'Noona', so for him to-

"Aah~" You gasp as a sudden flinch of his leg rubs against your slippery core.

He applies slight pressure with his leg against your entrance. You could feel the burning sensation pulse between your thighs in a slow, torturous manner.

The heat coming from your body causes him to growl deep in his throat as he lightly nips and sucks at the exposed skin on your neck.

"Mmm... Noona... So... Good..."

You let out a whimper; your body about to explode from not getting everything but what it needs. Leaning backward, you pull on him, and forcing him to lean heavier on you. You moan as you feel his leg now pressing harder on you, and you start rolling your hips up towards it.

"Kookie...... please." You plead, as your hips grind harder against his leg. The wetness increased with every passing moment.

He leans in close to your ear and whispers. "Tell me what you want, Y/N."

There it is again he called you by name and not just 'Noona'.

Before you could say anything back, he parts your fold with his fingers and plunges two of them into you.

"Kook-aaaaaah." You gasp as the tension that has been building up ever since Jimin touched you on the couch, releases onto his fingers. Grabbing Jungkook curls, you pull oh them as the waves of pleasure washed through you as you buckle your hips around his fingers.

This drove his fingers further into you, and you nestled your face into the crook of his neck to stifle a cry.

He gives a slight laugh. "Noona, do you want more of me...."

You couldn't tell if he was saying that as a statement... or as a question.

Still trying to catch your breath after your orgasm, your chin is lifted, and he places a soft kiss on your lips. Letting go of them, he makes sure you look him deep into the eyes.

"Noona... Y/N... "

His eyes soft, but wanting, you feel drawn to him again and you pull him back in for another kiss. While previously your kisses have been hard and wanting, this is filled with something else. You wouldn't call it love, not anything like you and Tae have. But rather a need, not for sex or release, but for something else...

"Jungkook... I want all of you." You purr, as your hands glide down and caress his bulge.

Receiving soft moans from him, he runs his fingers through your hair. As he curls his fingers inside you.


Your moan is silenced as he crashes his lips into your with the enthusiasm of an energetic bunny. As your moans resonate through his mouth, his own moans mix in, feeding you with his vibrations.

Taking a moment to breathe, he releases his hands from you and quickly pulls on his belt and letting his shorts fall onto the floor.

Your eyes widen, he had not been wearing any underwear.

"Y/N, I can no longer hold myself back. I was trying so hard not to touch you in this way, but..." He looks down at his pulsing erection then back up to you, his eyes soft and wanting.

You hook your legs around his hips and pull him closer to you. His member leaning against your burning mound, and you both let out a moan at the subtle contact.

"... I just can't!" And with that, he plunges himself inside of you - making you moan as each part of him rips through you until he buries himself deep inside of you.

[21+] Tropical Kiss [Y/N x Maknae-line]Where stories live. Discover now