Part 68 - Canvas

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Thank you to everyone that supports me over at Patreon.
The support there really motivates me and keeps me going even in hard times.
This time, I especially want to thank KerriBeari for her support. Thank you for everything so far, hun 💜.

When your orders arrive, you waste no time eating

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When your orders arrive, you waste no time eating. The steak is cooked just the way you like it, and the eggs are just as delicious.

"Ahh!" You exclaim in satisfaction after taking a refreshing drink of water. Taking a deep breath, you let your body sink down into the seat, stomach finally content.

"Well, to the sea we go then~" Taehyung says as he wipes his mouth with the napkin.

"But-" The protest drowns in your throat as you see the grin spreading on his face. He was clearly pulling your leg. "You bully!" You scold him. He knew very well how you swore to the 'wait 1 hour' from food before getting in the waters.

His face breaks out in a full grin, and he offers his hand and pulls you up. "I heard the owner of this place is a fan of art and that he displays a few upstairs?"

He presents it as a nonchalant comment, but you can see the interest glowing off him.

You smile and give him a nod, and he leads you away from the restaurant area and up a flight of stairs to a quaint art gallery.

Your jaw drops slightly at the collection before you.

This island and this hotel both seemed luxurious, but you have seen that as just a facade. Being a tropical resort, guests expected a certain level of exclusivity. Most hotels just about covered these expectations, but what you see in front of you makes you stare in awe.

The gallery is covered on all walls with paintings that all omitted their very own aura. Some are bright and colorful, others muted or monochrome. There are depictions of nature and humans, but also abstract paintings.

It is a lot to take it; your eyes are drawn to each and every one of the works. However, the strongest pull is from your hand and Taehyung. He leads the way, passing the sculptures in the center of the room and over to an especially astonishing painting.

You pad your way over to one with bright watercolors. It was of a cabin and a sunset behind it. The trees are so realistic you feel as though you were there.

"Cabin in the woods, huh?" Taehyung says next to your ear, startling you out of the painting.

"Yeah..." You hear yourself say as you feel yourself fall deeper into the mystical beauty of it.

"You know..." Taehyung starts, giving a quiet cough. "This is a private collection... The owner... He might be willing to-?"

That catches your attention, and your head snaps to him as your eyes widen. "Oh, no. Tae really. We can't just... It's..." Fumbling with the words, you're having a hard time even digest what he's suggesting. "It would be wrong."

There's no way you would ask, let alone have Tae ask the owner if he'd be willing to sell the painting. Regardless of the amount he would ask for, it just didn't feel right.

"We can't just ask the man to part with something that's probably hard to find." You say what you mean, yet you know your eyes keep wandering back to the speckles of color in the sky of the painting. "This really is special, unique, and I'm sure he thinks the same."

Taehyung stays silent, and as you look up at him, a sad smile on his lips.

"Tae..." You begin, but a shake of his head cut you off. He... He looks so sad. A hand clutches your heart as you reach out for him, cupping his cheek.

You could tell something was wrong, but you knew he wasn't going to say anything until he was ready to.

As you rub your thumbs against his cheeks, he places a hand on yours and smiles at you wryly. "So... Now that we have feasted our eyes..." His voice is low as he leans closer to you. "How would you feel about swimming?"

 "How would you feel about swimming?"

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[21+] Tropical Kiss [Y/N x Maknae-line]Where stories live. Discover now