Part 78 - Y/N - What You Need

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Y/N's lips tingled with excitement, her heart hammering in her chest as a million thoughts rushed through her

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Y/N's lips tingled with excitement, her heart hammering in her chest as a million thoughts rushed through her.

She was being kissed!


But not by her boyfriend, but by his friend - the notorious playboy, no less.

She should pull away. Now. This was wrong! Yet, the way the blonde man kissed her, drowned out the voice screaming inside. He was good, so good. He'd kissed her before, after spilling himself on her, but it had been a peck - a quick 'thank you' before he rolled off her. It had been nothing like this. This was different. Deeper. More intimate.

She gasped, the sound muffled as he captured her lips once more, and then, to her surprise, he pulled away, his gaze flickering toward someone behind him.

Y/N's eyes followed.

It was Jungkook, standing with his doe eyes wide, a flush of desire and maybe also envy?

A jolt of guilt stabbed her heart. She could try to tell herself that his text messages had meant nothing. that it had been a drunk confession that was just that - words typed while not in control, and nothing else.

But that would be a lie. One that she could tell herself again and again, but that she would never be able to believe.

Not after the way he was looking at her right now.

"You want us, Noona?" He asked teasingly, the question sounding like he was looking for nothing but a good time, but his eyes held a different emotion. Hope? "Really?"

"Well, I-" Her needy body was screaming for her to say yes - to give herself over to them, yet something held her back. Taehyung, yes. But also... She couldn't hurt him. Y/N would not be responsible for breaking Jungkook's heart more than it already was. Just thinking about it...

"Lost for words?" Jimin hummed, drawing Y/N's attention back to him. "Was my kiss that good?"

"No, I, well, yes, but-" She opened her mouth, then closed it again. He was right - his kiss had been mind-blowing. Not anything like those she's shared with Taehyung. Not filled with love or care, but... But even so, it hadn't been bad. Rather, the way he had kissed her; purely with lust... it had been incredible. "But I-"

"It wasn't enough for you? Such a demanding princess." The blonde teased. "Maybe you want to feel me against you?" His voice lowered to a whisper as brushed against her ear. "Pressing my body against yours?"

"Jim-"She began, her words faltering as his breath tickled her skin.

"It's what you want, isn't it, Y/N?" He continued, his tone suggestive. "To know what it would be like."

The breath caught in her throat, her eyes widening as she realized he was right. He was. Because even though she tried to push it away, there was a part of her that was wondering what it would be like.

What they would be like.

She didn't want to be one of the many girls that the two hunters had put behind them. She would hate that. But even so, she couldn't ignore the fact that many of the discarded girls had come back even after the boys had clearly moved on to fresh meat.

There had to be a reason.

"Let us give you what you need."

Her eyes shut open. "What?"

"Let us give you what you need." Jimin repeated, trailing a finger along her neck.

She gasped, and turning to Jungkook, she found his eyes with the desire of wanting the same.


Her stomach flipped, heat flooding her. He had that look on his face - the look that screamed: 'I want you, I want you, I want you'. And that it didn't matter how or when, but that he was ready and willing to make her his - that he would take her on the sand beneath the bridge. That it was up to her how much she could take - that it was up to her if she wanted him to take her with his fingers, his mouth, or his cock.

The thought alone sent a shudder of arousal through her, the proof dripping from her.

"Fuck." She whispered, her body giving in and relaxing.

As if sensing the moment as it happened, Jimin pulled her against his chest, claiming her mouth once more. He didn't waste time, pushing his tongue against hers as his hands roamed over her body.

Breaking away from the kiss, Jimin lifted his hand and cupped her jaw. "If you don't want this, all you have to do is tell us to stop." He whispered, his thumb stroking her cheek.

Y/N met his eyes. There was still some doubt in the back of her head, and yet... "Please." She pleaded, and as soon as the word had passed her lips, she felt Jungkook's strong arms wrap around her; holding her close as he ran his fingers along her skin, sending shivers of pleasure through her.

She could barely hold herself up.

Her hands moved on their own, gripping his biceps, steadying herself.

"Noona..." The youngest growled, his hot breath tingling her neck as he leaned closer. "Are-"

"She likes this." Jimin cut him off, a knowing smirk on his lips. "She likes the thought of us doing things to her." Shifting his gaze, he looked over her shoulder, towards the younger. "We can make her scream, can't we?"

"Y-yeah." Jungkook's breathing got heavy as he let his hands follow her curves. "We can... I can..." Then, without warning, he pinched her nipples, rolling them between his fingers and causing her to cry out. "Noona likes it when we get a little rough, doesn't she?"

Moaning, Y/N arched her back, pushing her butt back against Jungkook. His obvious bulge pressed snugly against her.

He smirked. "Fuck. That's so hot."

"So hot." Jimin agreed. "I think..." Leaning down, he captured a nipple with his lips, sucking lightly and earning another moan from her. "We should take our time and see how long we can edge you before you beg us to fuck you."

"But I-" Y/N tried, but a

"Mhm~" Jungkook hummed, a hand caressing her curves while he moved his head in and placed his lips against her ear. "You did, Noona. But you didn't mean it." Growling, he buried his head into her neck, sucking lightly, just as his fingers tugged at the waistband of her bikini bottoms. "Well, not desperately enough."

"Because, if you want us to fuck you... you will have to say it, won't you?" Jimin added, teasingly. "You'll have to beg. And then I will give you my cock, Princess. Only then, I will take you just the way you've dreamed about. I will bend you over and fuck you hard. Fuck you till you forget about everything but how good I feel. And that, is something you will never be able to forget."

AN:Hi, I hope you're all enjoying this so far

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Hi, I hope you're all enjoying this so far. Just one question:
I'm not sure if I should do the next part from the perspective of Y/N or Jungkook.
Any thoughts or opinions?

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