Part 9 - Evidence blooming

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Although belonging to the same hotel as your cabin belongs to, the pool bar in the area was mainly used by the guests renting rooms in the hotel building. As you walk to where the signs point you, you are surprised to see that the area you are about to enter is enclosed by a 'work in progress' fence.


"Hmm?" Looking over at you, he must have read the question on your face. "Ah, they are doing some rebuilding of the main pool currently. The pool itself is closed off during this time, but as we are to have our photoshoot in a smaller pool by the pool bar, it will not inconvenience us."'

You nod as he explains. In a way you're relieved. You had prepared for a photoshoot, and while it would be a new experience to you, it had added to your nervous feelings that there would be onlookers as well.

As you all arrive, you see camera equipment set up around the pool and bar areas. You glance over at Jimin - who's already begun to hit on one of the poor camera girls - and are surprised to not see Jungkook next to him.

"Tae, where'd JK go?" You ask worriedly.

He kisses the top of your head and replies. "He probably just went to the toilet. I'm sure he'll be back in time to start the shoot."

An older gentleman calls Taehyung over, and he gives you a soft peck on your lips before heading over to the man.

Introducing himself as Frances Ovalliere, the man begins to tell Taehyung about his vision for the promotional material. Zoning out, you let your attention glide over the area.

There was a lot of building equipment and other things you'd expect to find on a construction site. As Tae had mentioned, the main pool was completely closed off and you could see that it was all drained. To each side were little houses set up. You thought they might be temporary cabins for the workers, but you could not be entirely sure.

A movement from a gathering of smaller houses caught your attention. A door was opened and as you watched, you saw Jungkook coming out. He headed in your direction, and as he came closer, he seemed to have noticed you following your eyes and waved at you. You waved back at him, smiling.

"And then, you and Mr. Park will turn your heads, and you will be dramatically shocked as you see miss Y/N here hug onto the arm of, ehm, Mr. Jeon."

"I what?" You blinked. Surprised. Although the details of your connection with BTS had been kept secret to the public as well as most working with BTS, you had half expected to stay friendly in front of the camera - or at least close to Tae.

Calling over Jimin and Jungkook, Frances instructs you on the details, and soon you're all changed into pool wear, and set up in your designated spots for the scene.

"Do you all understand your parts?" Frances asks through a megaphone. Everyone nods, and he yells: "Action!"

The three men gather around a circular table. Taehyung and Jimin sit down talking and laughing about whatever came to their minds for the scene. Jungkook stands there laughing along with the others; his muscles glinting from the sun as he takes a drink from the sports drink.

This is your cue to walk in and ogle him. You do as such, and while the other boys feign a look of surprise, Jungkook's look was different as you make eye contact with him. It wasn't cute, playful, or innocent. It was primal and captivating. It caused you to turn bright red.

He holds your eyes, and you can't stop letting go either.

"Cut Cut!" Frances's voice booms out, and instantly Jungkook's eyes softened and fell back to their playful nature. "Excellent work everyone, Excellent!" He comes down and heads over to the mixing desk to see the footage again to ensure it was good to go.

Waiting for Frances's verdict, you all stand still.

Your eyes released, you look over at Taehyung, smiling as he gives you a smile of encouragement.

He wanders over to review the footage himself. His inner photographer can't help it.

You giggle and then walk over to Jungkook. "Kookie, what was THAT look for?" You ask in a hushed voice.

He just looks at you and smiles. "What look, Noona, we're just acting." And he lightly brushes against your arm with his as he goes and joins Taehyung by the camera.

You hear laughter behind you, turning around its none other than, Park fucking Jimin. He's giving you the biggest smirk while shaking his head and laughing. Saunters over to you, he whispers in your ear. "Seems I'm not the only one who makes you turn red."

Biting down on your lip in dismay, you turn to follow Jungkook over to Tae.

"You would probably like to wait before going there."

Jimin's words take you by surprise.

"And why is that?" You narrow your eyes in suspicion.

"I just think it might be better not to get up in the old guy's face with that." He points a lazy finger at you as he cocks his brow.

Looking down, your eyes widen.

"Didn't even notice, did you." He lets out a short laugh. "And I thought I warned you about controlling yourself better." Licking his lips, he then adds; "I would like to see your buds in full bloom - you know I could help you."

"Jimin, no you can't do this here." You take a small step back making space between the two of you.

He laughs and smirks again, "Okay, Noona, later then." He brushes past you and heads over with the others.

You turn to the guys and shout. "I'm going to go and freshen up real quick." You then bolt, and when you're sure no one is looking, you hurry inside one of the small houses that are on set.

Taking deep breaths you talk yourself down to calm your racing heart.

"Geez, first Jimin and now Jungkook. What has gotten into him? I thought everything was fine. I thought...."

Your sentence is cut short by someone entering the small house with you.

Turning around, you're greeted by the most wicked bunny smile you had ever seen.

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