Part 66 - Together

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Time for another part of 'Tropical Kiss'~

A/N:Time for another part of 'Tropical Kiss'~

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It was all too much. Too many feelings, too many emotions all bubbling up at once. Reaching out, you turn on the tap, hoping the water will drown out the sobs that you can no longer hold back.




It was all a mess - a mess you had done little to prevent. You know that - know that it was - if not maybe not fully, then at least partly your fault. Had you been firmer... Had you not let him... Had you stayed strong...

But you hadn't...

You had given in, and now...

You didn't even know...

A soft knock sounds on the bathroom door, then Tae's raspy voice comes from the other side. "Y/N are you alright?"

Your heart stuck in your throat, it takes a few seconds for you to contain your sobs.

"Y/N?" Tae repeats, his voice thinner, worried.

"Yes!" You burst out. The last thing you want is for him to open the door to find you... To find you like this.

But it is too late, he's already opening the door.

You try to look away, looking down in the sink, but your eyes lock within the reflection of the mirror in front of you.

Seeing your state, his eyes immediately get filled with worry, and he comes up behind you and wraps his long arms around you, pulling your body closer into his. "You can't fool me, Y/N, you know that. Now please, tell me what's wrong. I promise I'll listen and I'll do my best to keep myself in check."

His words come out low and calming, yet you know right now is not the time to explain everything that is going on. You will tell him, just not until you dealt with things yourself. You just needed more time.

So, shaking your head slightly against his chest, you tell the only thing you can. "I will... I will, Tae, but not now... It's..." Your voice breaks and you feel him tighten his grip on you. "Just... I love you..."

The room falls silent - the only sound is your drumming heart as you wait for his reaction.

"I..." His voice is deep, defeated. "I love you too, Y/N."

Even though he sounds so sure, you can still sense his worry, and you silently hope it won't cause him to act out irrationally.

As though he had read your mind, Taehyung whispers into your ear. "Y/N, whatever it's about, it'll be okay... We will get through it together."

You nod, your hands clutching his t-shirt. You will get through this, you will. In some way or another... You just had to find out how... How to do this... How to do this without ruining... Without ruining too much.

"How about we head back to bed love?" He says nuzzling his face into your neck, you could feel his low breathing against your skin. "or are you awake now?" His breath is warm, tickling your skin.

Skipping a beat, your heart aches as you feel torn. You want to join him - he is your rock, your home. Taehyung has always made you feel safe and grounded, yet, right now, a part of you want nothing but to run and hide.

You need to think - to figure it all out.


"Y/N?" His voice is small and soft; his feelings bare in front of you.

"Let's...." You nod; feeling your heart grow lighter as your decision is made. "Let's go back to bed, Tae."

Without turning to face him, you take his hand in yours, and guide him out of the bathroom. Getting into bed, he pulls you close to him and rests his head above yours. Taehyung kisses the top of your head, and as the warmth spreads through your body, you feel yourself drift off into a strange dream.

 Taehyung kisses the top of your head, and as the warmth spreads through your body, you feel yourself drift off into a strange dream

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