Part 45 - Quick

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Stretching, you took one look at the clock on the nightstand and growled. Coming back to the hotel room after the shoot, you and Taehyung had taken a quick shower together before snuggling up together in bed for a nap. After the long day under the sun, it had been just what you needed, and you had dozed off into a heavy sleep as soon as his arms wrapped around you and pulled you into his warm embrace.

Curling back into his embrace, you pulled his smooth hands up to your lips as gave each finger a small kiss. You didn't want to leave bed - you wanted to stay there - stay in the warmth and comfort that Tae gave. However, casting another glance at the clock, you sigh, you could spare five more minutes at most.

You turn and face him, plant a soft kiss on his cheek and watch as his mouth shifts in his sleep. You smile at this small reaction and continue to trail kisses along his jawline. Still asleep, you continue down his neck, over his adam's apple, and to the hollow of his throat.

Hearing a small moan from him, you look up, but he's still asleep. A sly smile grows on your lips as you think to yourself, as you wonder just how far you could go before he wakes. You continue onward, placing kisses on his collarbone and sucking gently at the skin. You feel him shift his lower half against you, and grinning, you move your hand down and-

You stop, you memories flashing back as our hand had touched-

No, that had been an accident. It was not like you had reached back to grab it. It wasn't!

"Mmmmm, good morning, love." Taehyung groans, smiling at you as he grips your hips and kisses your nose.

Your mind shoots back to the present and to Tae, and you put on a smile. "Good mor-" You stop, and then you can't help but let out a laugh. "It's evening, Tae."

"Evening, right..." Looking slightly dazed, Tae just gave a nod before closing his head again and letting his head fall back down on the pillow. "Wake me in the morning."

"Yo, silly." you slap his butt. "We need to get up. We have a dinner to attend, remember? With the investors?"

Wiggling down, he shoves his face into your chest. "Ahhh, can't we just let them wait a bit longer?" He sighs before he places kisses from your chest to the crook of your neck.

"Oh~ Tae~" You giggle. "We really should get ready~"

"I am though," he looks up at you, his eyes dark. "If we are quick~?"

"Really, Tae, aren't you worried we'll get late?"

"Mmmm, does this answer your question." Before you could protest, he presses his lips against yours, poking his tongue out for entrance, and his hands wander down to your heat.

"Mmmm~" You smile onto his lips as you close your eyes and push away the thought of the formal dinner.

Kissing you deeply, Taehyung lets a finger play with your panty lining before pulling on it and then letting go and having it smack back onto your skin with a *smack*.

"Aammm~" You let your hands up and around his back and press your chest closer to him and break the kiss. "We have to be fast though~"

"Always so impatient." He smiles, and with a practiced motion, pulls your panties down and off.

"If we're late, I'll make it up to you, I promise." He hums against your lips; sliding his hands beneath your thin t-shirt and pulling it up.

"It's your meet-ahhmm" You moan against him as you feel a finger slide into you and stats moving it slowly. "Tae~"

"Yes?" He lets another finger join in, and after another few thrusts, he lets a third finger join as well.

"Mhmmm~" You can do nothing but moan out in anticipation. "Tae~"

"I can't hear you, Princess. What was that?" He coos; sliding his fingers out from within you, causing you to whine from the emptiness.

Chuckling, he pulls off your shirt the rest of the way and sits upright; straddling you. He stares for a few moments; taking in the sight in front of him. "You're so fucking beautiful, love, and all mine."

Giggling, you spread your legs wider and pull his face close to yours. "And you mine". You pull on his hair, and as your lips clash together, you feel him slide into you.

Both of you moaning, neither of you are holding back, and soon you get into a rhythm that you know none of you can keep up for long.

"Mmmm, you feel so good." Growling, he lifts both of your legs up over his shoulders; grinding and pressing his hips deeper into you.

Feeling your walls tightening around him, he slides a hand up between your breasts. His long fingers wrap around your neck and squeeze hard, but still allowing you oxygen, as he pounds mercilessly into your core.

"Aa-ah!" It's all you can do you hold on - to grab around him and let your fingers - your nails - dig into him.

Grunting from the pain, he throws his head back and lets his curls fly around him while his thrust slams even harder and deeper into you.

"Fa-aack!" You gasp out between the constrained breathing and the pounding.

"That's it, Princess, let me hear how good I make you feel." He says darkly as he takes his thumb and makes circles against your nub while still driving his hips into you.

"Too- Too~ Mhm~ Ah! Ahhhhaaaaa" Your body, not being able to handle more, release around him. As you feel the spasms run through your body, Taehyung continues his thrusting; hard and deep, until he as well shivers. You feel the warmth flow into you, and after a few more thrusts, he sinks down to lay on top of you.

"We really need to get you on birth control, love. I'm surprised my swimmers haven't hit their mark yet." He says breathily into your ear before he raises a brow at you. "Unless... you want kids?"

Meeting his eyes, you smile up at him with a secret smile on your lips.

"Y/N?" His expression changes; something new shimmering in his eyes. "You?"

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