Part 52 - The other Entrance

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Jungkook smiled into a napkin he was wiping his mouth with. He then looked over at Jimin and saw that he was following Y/N with his eyes until she was out of sight. "Jimin, when Hyung and I walked back inside, I spotted a very interesting woman." He raises a brow at him. "If you're interested?"

"We have a meeting..." Taehyung mumbled, giving his fellow members a look.

"You're the businessman here, Tae, You take care of it." Jimin winked. He gets up and pats Taehyung's shoulder as he walks past and towards the exit.

Jungkook rubs the back of his head and speaks in a hushed voice. "Don't worry, Tae, I'll make sure to keep him in my sights." He got up from his seat as well, then stopping briefly next to Taehyung. "Don't worry, nothing bad will happen." Then leaves the restaurant following after Jimin.

Keeping his eyes on the two guys, Taehyung can't help but let out a relieved sigh. Though he was more than annoyed that they were ditching both this important meeting and him just to get laid, at least they were headed away from the hallway leading to Y/N. And, he thought to himself, right now, that was all that mattered to him.

When Jungkook finally caught up with Jimin. He was in a hallway on the other side of the restaurant. "Shit, you couldn't wait for me, Jimin?" Jungkook cocked a brow at his Hyung. "You sure this is the place?"

Jimin nodded. Following the acquisition of the master key, Jimin had studied the maps of the hotel and the buildings surrounding it. If he was correct, then this hallway here would have a door that connected to the sick room. Looking at the doors, a smile appeared on his lips. There - just as he had thought.

Turning to Jungkook, Himin noticed a strange expression on his friend's face. "What? You wanna wait?"

"No, I just..." Jungkook tried, but gave up and sighed. "Whatever, yes, okay, let's do it."

Jimin nodded. "You remember how we-"

"Yes, yes!" Annoyance showed in the maknae's face. This was the sixth time they had gone over the plan - and it wasn't an especially difficult plan to follow. "I know! Let's just do it already - I need to speak with her."

Jimin sighed. "Not at this time, Kookie... Remember now. If you want this to work, then-"

"-I have to follow your plan."Jungkook finished the sentence with a sigh. "Sure..."

As they both nod to one another, Jimin quietly steps into the room. Where he saw Y/N, lying on one of the beds furthest away from the door near a window.

She had drawn the curtains shut, so the room was dimly lit.

Good....the minimal amount of light the better. Jimin thought to himself, as he glided towards Y/N. Who lies still, breathing low, head turned towards the window and a pillow on top of her face.

Stepping silently out of his shoes, he removed his suit jacket and put it quietly on the back of a nearby chair. He looked over at YN. It did not yet seem like she had noticed him. Jimin takes a last deep breath to steady himself, then, taking the last few steps over to the bed, he sits down on it.

She does not turn to face him, and taking this as his opportunity, he carefully places his hand on her thigh and gives it a small squeeze.

A soft moan fills the air, yet she did not seem to stir any more than that.

Holy shit, did she pass out that quickly? Well, if that was the case, he would have to wake her up. His hand continues it's light assault in her thigh, working its way slowly inwards.

Her thighs are soft and warm, and Jimin cannot help but smile. He's never fully taken the time to properly feel how Y/N feel. The other times he's touched her... Well, it was different. He shakes the thought out of his head and twists his hand to let his fingers slide in between her legs, feeling the warmth pressing against his fingers, as well as a tightness in his pants.

"...fuck..." He mumbles to himself. He was not supposed to get like this - not now, not yet, and still... He lets his eyes glide over Y/N; taking her in and rethinking his plan.

She groans in her sleep, moving ever so slightly, which presses her warmth to his fingers even more.

Biting his lip, trying to calm himself and not rush he lightly presses her heat.


The whisper is weak, but if he just... Moving his fingers in slow circles, he begins to work on her clit, making sure to build as much as possible. Another whimper escapes her, and acting on a whim, Jimin uses his free hand to carefully remove the pillow from her face.

A low groan escapes his lips as he takes in the sight before him. Her lips were slightly parted and her hair is a flowing mess around her. On her cheek, he can see a few small line impressions left there by the pillow.

It took him everything he could muster to not take his other hand and brush it against her face. Down her neck, through the valley of her...

The door creaked and Jimin snapped his head around to see.

Carefully, Jungkook's head peaked inside. "Hyung?" He whispered loudly.

Signing Jungkook to keep quiet, Jimin thought for a brief second before nodding to himself. There would be no way he could get Jungkook to leave again without the risk of waking Y/N. And, although he was eagerly waiting for her to do so, he wanted that to happen in a very particular way...

With a hand movement, Jimin then beckoned Jungkook closer, and then, giving him a series of hand signs they had worked over the years, they both turned their eyes back on the sleeping Y/N.

Jungkook slipped off his shoes quietly next to Jimin's. Then slowly made his way to the other side of the bed where the wind was practically knocked out of him. His heart hammering ruthlessly against him.

What little light was showing through the drawn curtain was playing across her peaceful sleeping face. He took a deep breath and gently placed himself next to Y/N on the bed.

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