Part 37 - Together

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Watching Taehyung and Y/N leave, the affixed smile on Jungkook's face falls off. "He knows something's up..."

"Maybe?" Shrugging, Jimin waves over a waitress and puts in an order for blueberry pancakes for both himself and Jungkook. "So what?"

"So what?" Jungkook repeats. "If he knows, then..."

"Then he knows, Kookie. Besides it's not like he doesn't already know we've done things to her." Jimin fiddles with his fork on the table. "And he knew well of what he was getting himself into by acting recklessly on his emotions like that."

Jungkook gives his elder a questionable look. "I don't know, Jimin... it's Taehyung we're talking about. He may be reckless at times, but he's no idiot."

"Oh, I'm not saying he is." Jimin accepts the food as it's placed in front of them. "I'm just saying that neither are we." With that, he stabs a blueberry with his fork and puts it in his mouth. "Delicious."

"Park fucking Jimin, you really want to play him don't you." Jungkook chuckles. He shakes his head he cuts a piece of the fluffy pancake and stuffs it into his mouth. "But I can't let myself go that far with her again... can I?" He says glancing at Jimin with worry in his eyes.

Halting his eating, Jimin looks up at Kookie. "Hm..." He narrows his eyes and looks his friend up and down. "Maybe not right now, but..." A suggestive smirk plays on his lips. "There is another way."

"You mean we should..?" Jungkook catches on. "Well... Maybe... I mean, with you there..." He looks up at Jimin.

Jimin is looking back at him, one brow raised, and a hint of a scowl on his face.

"Shit, Jimin... I didn't mean it like that." Jungkook says pulling his hands up in front of him, then rubbing the back of his head he continues. "All I'm saying is that I know that if you're around when I do things with Y/N, then you can help me get my shit together." He gives Jimin a bunny smile a slight pinkness on his cheeks.

"Well, I guess that settles it then." Jimin swallows the last of his food. "Time to kick the plan in action. You ready, Kookie?"

Finishing his own food, Jungkook nods eagerly.

"Okay then, time to smile for the cameras." Jimin winks, and so they get up and leave; heading to today's photo shoot.

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