Part 59 - An Opportunity

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After being abandoned by his fellow members, the meeting started

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After being abandoned by his fellow members, the meeting started. There was of course the question of economy, as well as the marketing angle. However, Ovalliere seemed more interested in talking about a possible future project than the one he was currently wrapped up in.

Taehyung had always had a fascination for meetings. He didn't particularly like having them, but he did enjoy seeing the decisions he was a part of making, actually resulting in something. So, although he hadn't been in love with the idea of functioning as the more collected part of the Maknae line, the idol had accepted the responsibility.

Not that it was an official role. No, far from it. They were equally responsible, but as long as he stayed on top of it - at least it would get done. And, he had to admit, that the creative input he was allowed to give made him feel slightly like a movie producer - though only on a very small scale.

Doing his best to stay on track and not allow his mind to wander too far from the dinner table, Taehyung clears his throat.

"So, Mr. Ovalliere, is there anything else, in particular, you wanted from us in this project? Something you feel we could have possibly overlooked?"

Even though Taehyung knew the entire production was going smoothly this far, he still couldn't help but ask questions just in case there was something he might have missed.

"Well, there is the addition of dear miss Rei..." Ovalliere scratches his chin. "Her initial role was a minor one, but as we all know, her part has become one of a much larger proportion."

"Yes?" Taehyung nods, unsure where this will lead. "Is there a problem with her performance?"

"No, no, no at all." The director ensures him. "Only..."

"Only?" Taehyung cocks his brow.

"The financial aspect." Mr. Money cuts in.


"Bigger role - bigger payout." Mr. Money explains. "The question is where this leaves the production. Without this information, it's difficult to adjust the budget for the post-production."

"Exactly!" Ovalliere nods.

Both of Taehyung's eyebrows raise, as he begins to realize exactly what they're saying. His mind goes through what this would not only mean for both him and Y/N as a couple, but also for Y/N herself... What kind of doors and opportunities could open for her?

He could feel the excitement build up inside himself.

Looking at Y/N's empty chair next to him, he then glances up at everyone at the table, "Speaking of Miss Rei, I think I'll go and see how she's doing. If everyone will please excuse me." He inclines his head as he gets up from the table, pushes in his chair, and walks off towards the restaurant's infirmary.

Though he had not been separated from Y/N for more than an hour, Taehyung already had a longing in him. Walking down the hallway, the tug on his heart lessens as he knows that she would soon be in his arms once again.

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