Part 80 - Y/N - Taste Me

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Y/N's heart raced faster, heat rising as she saw some of her wetness leaking out of her and down onto Jungkook's awaiting tongue

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Y/N's heart raced faster, heat rising as she saw some of her wetness leaking out of her and down onto Jungkook's awaiting tongue. She swallowed, her fingers trembling slightly as the words tumbled out: "Please do it. Taste me."

The words had barely left her mouth when he was upon her; lapping, kissing, and licking.

"Jung-" She couldn't say more as she felt his fingers joining his lips. They teased her entrance, slipping inside her, just a little at first, before moving in deeper, slowly and gently fucking her, as his mouth sucked at her clit.

A shudder went through her, pleasure rising even higher as a finger was pushed into her other hole. "Fuck! Jung- Aah!"

She was close - so, so, so, close.

Her body trembling, her eyes squeezed shut, Y/N's only focus was on his tongue and the wave of pleasure that coursed through her body.

She moaned, her mind a mess as she reached out and tangled her fingers in his curly hair. It was so soft and felt so good to pull on, and as she did, Jungkook let out a moan. The sound and vibrations against her pussy sent her tipping over the edge; her going blank as the earth-shattering orgasm rolled through her.

Her legs gave way as her entire body quaked, but as she thought she would fall, she felt his strong arms holding her in place. Catching her breath, she opened her eyes and looked down at him.

Jungkook was still looking up at her, his tongue running along his glistening lips as a pleased smirk played across them. "You're delicious." He told her, his eyes never leaving her face. "I need more."

His words sent a tremble through her, making her body shake harder. It took a second before she realized just what had happened.

She had come. Not once, but twice.

"Oh, fuc-" Y/N started, her face heating as she tried to understand how that was even possible. "What- How did-"

"You liked it?" Jungkook looked up, a happy smile on his face, and his mouth shining with her wetness. "Does Noona like my mouth on her?"

Y/N nodded slowly, then gasped as he dove back in to suck and lap at her folds, drinking every last drop. "Ah-yes, please. I- mhhhh- aahhh! Fuck!"

"Damn, Jungkook." Jimin groaned from the side, and as Y/N looked over at him, she found him palming the bulge in his trunks, his gaze focused on where his best friend was buried between her thighs. "You sure you're not bi, Kook? Hell, I'll even let you pretend I'm Y/N-"

"Fuck off." Jungkook bit back, sending his older friend a death glare, before returning his attention to Y/N, pushing his finger back inside. This time, deeper, while adding another finger in her other hole, pumping in and out.

Y/N couldn't stop moaning, her eyes shut once more as pleasure flooded through her. She could feel a third orgasm building as his mouth continued to ravage her.

Then, as suddenly as it all began, it all stopped.

Opening her eyes, she was surprised to see Jimin. The blond had walked over to them and was now standing with a hand on Jungkook's shoulder.

"I think we have given her a taste." Jimin said. "We've warmed her up."

"But-" The younger started, but was cut off.

"We wouldn't want to spoil her now, would we?" Jimin raised his brow. "Not without cause."

The two men exchanged glances for several moments before Jungkook finally nodded and reluctantly let go of her.

"Now then..." The oldest continued as he pulled at his trunks, letting the material fall down his legs and allowing his hard cock to spring free. "I think it is my turn."

Y/N blinked, but then her eyes widened as she realized what he meant. "Oh shit..!" A flush crept up her cheeks.

"Like the view?" Jimin smiled, cupping her cheek in his hand, pulling her gently away from the wall. "Don't be shy now. Tell us." Letting go of her cheek, Jimin licked his lips before grabbing a hold of his cock, giving it a few lazy pumps.

Y/N looked down. She couldn't resist. And as she did, her mind was flooded with images of him sliding his length inside her, stretching her pussy, and pounding her as he whispered the dirtiest things to her. "I-"

She wanted it.

So much, that she found herself reaching down to touch him.

"Nuh-uh-uh~ Not yet, Princess." He let his thumb run along the tip, catching the drop of precum before lifting it to his lips and sucking. "First, I need you to beg."

She almost did. Right there and then. She almost got on her knees and opened her mouth to take him, but at the last minute, she hesitated.


This was wrong. He would hate her for this.

But it wasn't just that. This had gone too far. She should have said no when they approached her, and even after, she could have said no. Could have pushed them away. But she hadn't. She hadn't wanted to. She wanted this. She wanted him. Wanted them. And she hated that she did.

"Noona." Looking to the side, she met Jungkook's pleading eyes. "Ask for him. Please."

Y/N blinked. His words and the expression on his face didn't seem to agree. There was want there, that much was clear, but... There was also uncertainty.

An inner conflict coursed through her brain, making her bite her lip. Her heart wavered, fluttering between giving into what was offered, embracing it, and grabbing her bikini bottom before running away and spending the last days in bed; screaming into the pillow.

"Please." Jungkook whispered in her ear, making a shiver run down her back as she met his gaze.

Lost in her thoughts, she hadn't noticed him get close; his warm chest pressing against her side.


She nodded. Closing her eyes as she dropped the last drop of resistance in her, and giving in. "Please, Jimin. Please make me feel good."

Jimin let out a chuckle as he grabbed her. Y/N had expected him to kiss her, or even for him to push her down on her knees to make her blow him, but he did neither. Instead, he spun her around to face the youngest, before gently guiding her down on all fours.

"Down." He commanded, and immediately Jungkook obeyed, sitting down in the sand in front of her. "Good. Good." Jimin praised, suddenly pressing his cock against her ass. "And now... Kiss."


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