Part 54 - Awake

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Opening your eyes everything seems to be in a blur at the beginning, but soon your sight clears up and you realize that Jimin is looking down at you. Your body freezes as the kiss you had dreamt of with Tae... That you now realize that it was not Tae at all!

Showing Jimin back, you ram your jaw shut as Jimin's tongue exits your mouth. What the hell was going on? Then, noticing a twitch between your legs, you look down and see Jungkook down between your legs.

Staring at them, your eyes not quite believing what you see. Where the hell were you? And why were you there? And with them? And what the fuck did they think they were doing?

Your face instantly flushes up as you stare between the boys. "What the hell are you both doing?!"

Questions spun in your head, and you tried to make sense of it, and as the puzzle pieces started to come together in your head, the situation became clearer to you - and you began to realize what was happening.

"Noona..." Jungkook begins, but he's cut off by Jimin's sharp tone.

"You finally decided to wake up, Noona?"

"What's that supposed to mean?!" You snap, not understanding a damn thing they're saying, but yet your stomach is tied in knots at the thought of why.

"Oh, you don't remember, hmmm? Kookie, I think we need to remind her. What do you say?" Jimin's face was drawn up in a broad smirk as he looked over at the Makane.

"Mhm, yeah..." Letting out a sigh, a stream of hot air flowed from his breath tingled your sensitive spot and you gasped out.

"Do you need more of an answer than that?" Jimin smirked, a playful shimmer in his eyes.

That's when you feel Jungkook brush his lips against your panties right above your heat. You turn your face and bite your lower lip to stifle your moan.

You can feel Jimin's eyes on you, and you try your best to not show him your reactions. You wanted to say no and to make them stop - that this wasn't something that the could do - that Tae would-

You feel a hot pressure being applied to your sweet spot, and even through the fabric of your panties, you can feel his tongue. Jungkook' sweet, warm-

"Just say it, Noona..." Jimin purrs. "Tell us to stop, and we will".

"Shit.." You mutter and Jungkook drags his tongue against your sex. Pursing your lips you try to find your voice. "I-I..." Your mind is all jumbled, rendering you powerless to your own thoughts as it is captive between Jimin's stare and, most of all, the feel of Jungkook's skillful tongue against you.

"I..." You try again, but you don't know what you would even say.

"We won't do anything you don't want to, Y/N. We are not like that..." Jimin lets his words, as well as your name, hang in the air, then... "How about we give you a taste - give you a preview of what you could have."

You gulp hard as you feel yourself giving up on your own voice.

Jimin lowers himself next to your ear and soon begins to place chaste kisses slowly moving down your neck. At the same time, Jungkook sucks the fabric of your panties into his mouth and causes it to tug at your bud ever so slightly.

'A preview' you thought as you sucked on your lip. They would not do anything... or go too far. It would be up to you. You could tell them to stop at any time. A preview... It wasn't anything. Even if you let them... you could - no would - stop them before it got serious. You could...

"Just..." Your words came out as a mumble. "When I tell you to stop-"

"Of course, Noona." Jimin assured you. "Of course."

Giving a small nod of acceptance, you then close your eyes and sigh. Finally letting it all go, your eyes roll back; allowing the pleasure to wash over you.

Jungkook hummed against you as his hands glided up both your thighs to massage the inner part of them.

You moan quite loudly, which prompts Jimin to press his lips against yours; catching the rest of your moans into his mouth.

At first hesitant, you soon welcome his kiss. Your tongues meeting, they begin a dance, and after a few seconds, you fall back to the rhythm you'd had in the water. Reliving his touch, his words, his-

Your thoughts are interrupted by a spasm going through your body as Jungkook gives your clit s hard suck before releasing it again. Your hands immediately grip the bed sheets as your pleasure builds.

"Do you like that, Y/N?" Jungkook growls between you, his warm breath making you even wetter.

Feeling his hands slide up further, your panties are tugged to the side. Jungkook spreads your folds and prods his tongue slightly into your heat - just enough to tease you - but not far enough to be fully inside.

"Amhmmm~" You moan as your hips buckles you to meet his warmth; begging for him to give you more. But, as you do, his mouth retracts and a deep laugh vibrates through the air. You whine, but your complaint drowns as Jimin takes control of the kiss.

"Don't rush me, Noona. If you do..." Jungkook pinches your bud, "I'll stop and leave you unsatisfied." His eyes pierce you with that wild bunny look., and you can tell he's fighting the urges between control and letting go.

Without knowing when it had happened, you realized you feared Jungkook stopping. You didn't want him to, and if he stopped now...

You relaxed your hips and let them sink down on the mattress again.

For a moment, nothing happened, but then.

His warm breath tickled on your skin, but instead of continuing where he left off, his hands moved up, grasped the lining of your panties. You feel as he carefully pulls on them; before finally letting them slide down your legs.

You wanted to help - to get it off as soon as you could, but his warning rang in your ears. So, lying still, you felt the small piece of clothing make its slow way down before finally releasing your legs.

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