Part 47 - Dinner

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The sun setting; creating a beautiful display of pinks, reds, and purples across the horizon.

Tearing your gaze from the sight, you both are led to a table with a middle-aged looking man. You quickly assume that it was Mr. Swan - even though you have not formally met him before.

Taehyung pulls out a chair for you, and you give him a smile and a peck on the cheek you sit down. He takes his place in the seat beside you.

The table is a long one, and with you and Taehyung having arrived, all eight seats are filled. Sitting on one end is Taehyung, and the other - on the other side sits Mr. Swan himself. On his right sits Frances Ovalliere, a woman with expensive-looking jewelry, and Jungkook. To Mr. Swan's left, sits a serious-looking man in his 30's with big glasses, beside him Jimin, and then you.

"So, now that we are all here..." The man with the glasses says, his comment dry.

"Yes, let's." Mr. Swan nods. The dinner appointment had started half an hour ago, and it was on the mere chance that they had met Mr. Swam as he had taken a smoke after ordering the food.

"Now, I see that we've been making a lot of progress with promoting this product line." Mr. Swan looks at each face sitting around the table before continuing. "So much in fact that I believe the same company is looking into doing business with us again. I'm not sure yet on the details of what we would be promoting until this one comes to a close."

Giving his hand a slight squeeze under the table, you practically beam at Taehyung with hearing such good news.

"However," he continues, "nothing is certain quite yet, and I hope that you will all keep up the hard work."

The BTS-members nod and give ensuring smiles and nods to Mr. Swan.

"Good, good." Mr. Swan nods. "I suggest we eat and then come back to the business talk. I find it unappetizing to do business while eating.."

The others around the table murmur their agreement, and the conversation turns more friendly and casual.

Having been introduced to the other female at the table, you had learned that she was Miss Sui Erika, and that she was one of the main investors in the brand. Complimenting your dress, the conversation had soon turned to fashion, and you found yourself enjoying her company, when you felt a tickling on your right thigh.

You cough at the sudden sensation.

"Y/N, are you alright?" Taehyung asks rubbing your hand with his thumb; concern in his brown eyes.

"Mmmm yes, Tae, I'm alright." You say taking your free hand to grab your glass of wine and take a sip.

The fingers slowly walk themselves up and down your right thigh.

You shift your eyes to the side to look at the perp, only to find that he's calmly chit-chatting to Mr. Money.

Unsure of what to do, you keep pretending like nothing, and as you put the glass down, you continue the conversation with Erika about the upcoming fashion line she is invested in.

The finger movements come to a stop, and without thinking, you look to the side - only to meet Jimin's eyes.

"Yes, Noona?" He asks with a smile a hint of a smirk playing along the edges.

What you really want to do is call him out, but right now was not the time nor the place.

"Nothing, Jimin, I just thought I saw a bug." You turn back to the conversation with Erika. Neither one of you missed a beat from where you'd left off.

Hearing a chuckle from the side, you ignore it, but soon you can once again feel a finger teasing your skin. Wanting to roll your eyes, you hold it back - if he was set on doing this, there was nothing you could do to stop him. Besides, what he was doing was nothing, so you could manage.

"Noona?" A voice from across the table spoke up.

Shifting your attention to Kookie, you put on a friendly smile. "Yes, Kookie?" You say, hoping that the investors or Mr. Swan will not hear the tenseness of your voice.

"You did really well today." He gives you his bunny smile. You hear a slight cough on your left.

Shifting your eyes momentarily, you catch Taehyung rolling his eyes before he downs another glass of wine before pouring himself more. You couldn't handle any issues between the three of them right now and most certainly not here.

"Thank you, Kookie." You give a small nod. "Though I hardly had a difficult role to play."

"No, he's right." Erika speaks up. "I might not have been at the beach this morning, but I did see the rough cut of the video." She gives an encouraging smile. "It was very well done."

"See, Noona?" From your side, Jimin is sending you the most innocent of smiles. "I told you so, didn't I?"

Fighting to keep back a comment that is sure to seem suspect, you give Jimin a thankful nod as well. You knew what he meant - what he was really complimenting - but you would not let that - or Jimin himself - affect you.

"Awwww, thank you, Erika." You say your face turning a light shade of pink. Instead of answering Jimin, you simply force a smile in his direction, then turn your attention to Taehyung. "What did you think about it Tae? Since I haven't seen it yet."

Taehyung gives you a warm smile. "I was really good. Honestly, even though I knew what a capable swimmer you are, I still got a bit worried there for a while. Your screams..." He pauses and a shiver runs through his body. "It was just too realistic... As if... As you really were fearing for your life."

"Awe, Tae..." Proud and moved, you put a hand on his. "I was in no danger."

"I know..."

"You're so sweet" Erika smiled at you. "I know the information is to be kept hidden from most, but I have to say: you're adorable together."

"Yes, they are..." Jimin chimed in. "They really are."

Surprised by his sudden support, you turn to Jimin, and as you do - his hand slides in one, quick motion, up to your thigh, beneath your dress, and a finger graces your nub.

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