Part 30 -Strawberry Milkshake

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Feeling an indescribable feeling flow through you, you pull your head away from his ear and, placing a chasing kiss on his lips, pushes him back to the mattress. Giving him your slyest smile, you place kisses on his chest, not holding anything back as you place kisses down his chest, his stomach, and...

You look up - your eyes meeting his as he has pulled his head up to look at you. Biting his lips in anticipation, you could see all his feelings laid out on his face as he watched you; his eyes urging you on.

Bending your head again, you open your mouth, letting your tongue glide out to give him a lick before letting your mouth down on him to take him in.

Another growl escapes his lips, you peer up at him. The expression on his face sends satisfaction through you. His mouth was slightly parted, eyes hooded and his breathing was staggered.

You suck him hard, letting your tongue swirl around the head of his erection.

He grips your hair, you can tell that he badly wants to slam into your mouth hard.

Knowing this, you pull your mouth slowly off him - all the while still keeping your lips tight around him. When your lips have released him, you slide your tongue around his tip.

"A-aahhh..." He moans quaking and curling his toes beneath you.

You give a playful laugh as you glide your tongue down his shaft all the way to the base.

Moving your hands down, you grip around his thighs with your hands; your nails digging ever so slightly into his skin; drawing a whimper between his moans.

Letting your tongue trace along his veins, you move slowly back to his tip. Popping the head into your mouth, you give it a fast, hard suck before letting up all pressure on it. Feeling him shivering in your mouth from the intensity, you put your tongue to use; letting it swirl around him, covering him with the wetness of your mouth.

"Mmmmmm... Do I taste good, love?" He moans giving your hair a tug, urging you on.

You give his length long strokes with your tongue before you answer; your eyes full of love and seduction:

"Like a strawberry milkshake after a walk in the desert. Mhhmmm-" You moan, taking him in deep as do, knowing the vibrations will tear through him and making his legs weak.

"F-f-aaaaaaaaaaaaaah" His long moan turns to a whimper.

Forcing a cough in your throat, you send another pulse through him, as you pull back up his length and kiss the tip as you release it again. "I want you, Tae," You tell him. "I want your strawberry milkshake flowing down my throat and filling me."

"Mmmmm, do you now... you wanna taste me that bad, love?" He growls gripping your hair tighter. "How bad do you want me to cum in that sweet, filthy mouth of yours-haaahhh." He moans; piercing you with such a stare, that could make the earth move.

You begin to use your hand to pump him as you suck and swirl at his tip. Feeling him slowly writhe beneath you filled your soul and heightened your need for him. Building him up to what you feel is his brink of existence, you take him in deep; slurping as you're pulling on him.

His grunts turning to whimpers, you give him another hard suck as you retract up his shaft. Feeling him reaching his high, you draw in a breath through your nose as your hand pumps him a few last times.

Suddenly he slams deep into your mouth, his warm release coats the back of your throat. Gulping it down, you suck and lick him clean.

You look up at him and see the biggest grin on his face.

He laughs deep in his throat. "Ahhhh, now it's my turn, Y/N."

Taking your lips unto his, he guides you onto your back. As he hovers over you, he pauses for a moment and just stares at you.

"What...?" You laugh, feeling your face turn red.

"I'm just admiring you, love... I can't believe how damn lucky I am. Not just to be with you, but... with you here in this place." He says and glances out towards the sea and setting sun.

Then, turning back to you, his boxy smile wider than before. "I like this view better."

"Ya!" Hitting his arm playfully, you giggle. "Stop that~"

"Why so, love?" His lips curve to a crooked smile, and he leans closer to your face. "You don't want me to watch you?"

"O-of course I do... it's just... embarrassing." Your face turns a deeper shade of red.

He chuckles, rubbing his nose against yours. "You have nothing to be embarrassed about in front of me, not ever."

Wanting to argue, you open your mouth, but before you can respond, warm lips are pressing down on them. Moaning, you close your eyes; giving yourself over to kiss. His lips, his warmth, his hands roaming you; all making you melt into him. Arching your back, you're rubbing yourself up against him.

"No no, love," Taehyung coos you. "Not yet."

Bending down for another few, deep kisses, he releases your lips and pulls his body of yours, and down towards...

"So wet, Y/N~" Me muses. "I wonder what is wetter, you, or the ocean behind me?"

"T-tae..." You moan his name, wrapping your arms around his neck. Running your fingers through his soft hair.

"How about you find out." You purr shooting him a seductive look.

"Hmm.. with pleasure."

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