Part 6 - Satisfied

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Sucking a hold of your tongue, he twirls it in his mouth while grasping it with his teeth. Gasping out from this new pain and pressure draws out another chuckle before he releases your mouth. Barely having the time to gasp for air, something else slides in between your lips.

"Ah, yeah, ah, so good." Jungkook moans as he slowly begins to pump himself in and out of your mouth; careful not to go too deep.

Automatically your tongue moves against his throbbing member.

"Do you like it when I fuck your mouth, Noona?" Jungkook says sardonically with no trace of the adorable innocent bunny. He's turned into a lion who's finally caught his prey.

Suddenly you feel something fill you thrusting into you hard.

"Ggnnahhhh, Noona, you're so fucking tight...ahhh." Jimin moans in ecstasy as he slams his member into you.

Your head swims with so much emotion, pain, pleasure, and anticipation.

Taehyung grabs your wrist and gently removes it from himself. Then leans over to your ear nibbling on it he says authoritatively. "You're such a naughty girl baby, getting off like this.

Tears forming in your eyes. You let out another moan as a hard thrust from Jimin pushes Jungkook forward and down your throat.

"Goooooooood--A-Ahaaya". Jungkook bites down on his lips as you unintentionally deep throat him. "Fuck-ah, yeah, no wonder Hyung is satisfied. Ah, take it, baby, take it all." He pulls back a bit to let you breathe but then slams himself in again: his thickness filling you entirely.

Taehyung gives a satisfied laugh, "Mmmm, yes, Jungkook ah, I am..." He moves from your ear to the side of your neck. "Very satisfied with her." He then bites down on your skin. Causing your hips to buck up and meet Jimin's hard thrusts.

Slamming into you; deeper than ever, Jimin growls and slides his hands under your arch and pulls your thigh up to gain even more access. "Now let's see how much of a slut you are, baby." He rams into you with full force and you feel your head spinning as he builds you up at an intense speed.

You want to scream out in pleasure but as your mouth is thoroughly filled, all that escapes are vibrations.

Crying out in delight, Jungkook fastens up this own speed. "Don't stop doing that, Jimin, wreck her, yeah-ah-aa-aaaaa." Thrusting faster and harder into you, you can feel a spasm going through him before you feel him explode in your mouth; his cream coating the inside of your throat, and the rest of your mouth as he slowly pulls out; careful not to spill, but feed you every last drop.

You swallow the thick salty liquid and lick your lips.

Jungkook kisses your lips again and moves from you, only for Jimin to come and claim your lips for himself.

He grabs one of your legs placing it onto his shoulder. Lowering himself by your other ear he whispers. "I hope this is a fuck you'll never forget." Before he pounds into you again and again. Driving his member ever deeper into you.

You moan out in pleasure as he builds you back up again. His breathing becoming staggered. With a few more hard thrusts. He pulls out and releases next to you on the bed. Planting a kiss on your cheek he too moves off of you.

Your eyes begin to flutter from exhaustion as a beautiful caramel silhouette hovers above you.

"Baby, who said you were done?" Taehyung smirks lifting both of your legs on his shoulders. He rams his member into the deepest part of you. Ripping every fiber of your being.

You finally let out the cry you hadn't been able to release. As he pumps and grinds his hips into you.

Not it is only him and you, it's just like it has always been, except it is not. Exhausted and sensitive from all the build you, you cannot hold back as he slams into you a second time. You release as he pumped into you, and twitches as he continues slamming inside you; making your trapped liquids splash inside you and hitting additional spots; almost building you fully up once more.

"You're so fucking beautiful, baby." He says in a staggered husky voice. He makes his thrusts slow and sensual, causing your build to climb at an agonizingly slow pace.

"T-tae....please." You moan, your arms finding their way around his neck. Your fingers interlocking themselves within his hair.

"Mmmm what's that, baby." He coos, giving you a devilish smile.

"Please fuck me harder." You plead, as his hand wraps around your throat and squeezes hard, but enough so you could still breathe.

He says darkly, "As you wish." Then slams into you deeper and harder. His eyes wild with desire he throws his head back and laughs deep in his throat.

His energy hits you and engulfs you as you throw your head back onto the pillow as the moans come out like cries of ecstasy. Each pump, though rough and deep inside you, and you cannot help but love every second of it.

Thrusting several more times he crashes his lips onto yours and releases into you.

Feeling his sweet warm release you give out a satisfied moan. You plant kisses all over his face, "I love you, Kim Taehyung."

He flashes you his boxy smile and nuzzles your cheek. "And I you, Reii Y/N."

"Naaaw, Hyung and Noona are so cute~"

Your heart skips a beat as you had almost forgotten that you were not alone. Looking to the side, you see Kookie standing beside you and looking down on you while smiling wholeheartedly at you, and you blush under his attention.

"That makes you blush?" Jimin remarks from his position in a chair. "We just fucked the life out of you, and it's being seen kissing that makes you blush."

Laughing, Taehyung rolls off you to the side before getting out of the bed. "Well, that was quite a morning." He looks over at them, then you, and then back at the guys, "So, should we get started? We might be on vacation, but there is still a lot we need to do right?" Without waiting for an answer, he heads to the bathroom door. Opening, he winks at you. "You coming?"

Your eyes widen. He cannot mean?

"It's always sex with you, isn't it, Y/N?" He fakes a disappointed face. "And here all I wanted was some company."

You gulp getting up from the bed. Not caring that the others see you naked now. You follow Taehyung into the bathroom and shut the door.

Jungkook laughs and turns around to look at Jimin; who has the biggest sneer on his face.

"She fucking forgot about us."

Jungkook goes over to him and ruffles his hair. "Oh Jimin-ssi, calm yourself. I'm sure she won't forget about us." A glint of diviciousness resonates in his eyes.

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