Part 83 - Y/N - Beautiful

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"You have such a tight little pussy, don't you, Noona?" Next to her, a very smug Jimin was lying on his side, his eyes gleaming

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"You have such a tight little pussy, don't you, Noona?" Next to her, a very smug Jimin was lying on his side, his eyes gleaming. "Are you going to let us both inside? At the same time? Let us stuff you full until your holes are stretched and dripping?"

Y/N's eyes widened. She had never really considered-. She moaned as the image flashed through her mind: the three of them, tangled together, fucking and grinding. The thought had her walls pulsating with need. "Yea-ah, I guess."

"Guess, huh? Guess?" Jimin repeated, reaching for Jungkook's arm.

With a swift tug, Jungkook pulled her off the ground and onto his lap, making her gasp as the hard length pressed against her.

"Damn." Jimin bit his lip. "Feel free to touch yourself. It's a very nice sight." He licked his lips. "Very sexy."

Y/N swallowed, feeling her skin flush with embarrassment. Should she do it? It would be so embarrassing, but just thinking about doing it sent another tremble of desire through her.

However, before she could make up her mind, a pair of hands grabbed her hips and lifted her up.

Y/N let out a high-pitched squeak of surprise, that soon turned to a loud moan as she was lowered down on Jungkook's lap; right onto his thick cock. "Aahhhhh! Fuck!"

"Fuck. So wet." Beneath her, Jungkook groaned, his dick throbbing and pulsating inside her; sending pleasure coursing through her entire body. "So wet for me, Noona."

"Ah, f-fuck... so big, I c-c-can't. Ahhhh, mmmhm." Y/N moaned, her toes curling as she felt herself getting stretched to her limit.

"You feel that?" He groaned, his breath heavy as he let his nose slide up her neck, caressing her with his nose, while his thumbs were drawing small circles on her hips."How about this, Noona?"

Y/N screamed as a sudden flash of pleasure ripped through her.

"There?" He murmured, repeating the motion, and another cry escaped her lips. "Feels good, doesn't it?"

"Aah- fuck! So good, so fucking good!" Y/N nodded, her arms wrapped tightly around him. "I- fuck- more!"

Jungkook's response was a deep chuckle, followed by his thumbs digging deeper, harder, into the sensitive spots on her hipbones.

Y/N gasped. Another shock of pleasure rocked her. Another. More. "Please." She whimpered, her voice hoarse and ragged. "Please, Kookie, please."

Jimin smiled. "Come for us." He instructed, his words firm, yet gentle, his fingers reaching out and teasing the rim of her asshole. "Come on, Y/N. Come for him. Coat his cock with your juices."

Jungkook growled, the words spurring him on and making him bury himself all the way inside. "Noona- Fuck- Y/N!"

"Jungkoo- Ooh So deep- A-aah fuck, FUUUCK!" Y/N's screamed as the orgasm hit her hard; the pleasure ripping through her, as her pussy clenched around the pulsating cock. "Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!"

"Noona!" Jungkook grunted, thrusting into her a few times, drawing out her pleasure before he slowed down, and then stopped; his breath heavy. "Damn, Y/N. That was... just- fuck. Beautiful. And hearing you screaming. I've never been so fucking hard."

Y/N giggled and collapsed onto the muscular chest, her mind spinning and her body convulsing.

Jungkook sighed, a satisfied groan leaving him, his hands traveling up her spine.

"Hmmm, look at the two of you." From her right, she heard Jimin speak, his voice a mix of lust and adoration.

Humming softly, Jungkook's fingers brushed her sweat-drenched locks from her forehead. "Are you okay?" He murmured, his fingers grazing her skin, sending tingles throughout her body.

"Y-yeah." Y/N gulped and nodded. "I-I'm just a little shaky, that's all."

"Can I keep going, or are you too tired?"

"K-k-keep going?" Y/N stuttered, her eyes barely able to focus as her head was still swimming in pleasure.

"She said she wants more, didn't she, Kookie?" Jimin chuckled. "Don't you want more, Y/N? You want him to make you feel good, don't you?"

"But-" Y/N tried to object, but before she could form any other words, her hips were already being lifted and dragged upwards, off Jungkook's shaft.

"Y-ya." Y/N moaned, her ass sticking up, her thighs burning from the stretch.

"Fuck. That was hot." Jimin hissed, his hand reaching down to stroke his cock. "We will have to loosen you up a bit first, so you can take both of us."

Y/N gulped. Would it okay? It should feel weird. But instead, her body was screaming yes.

"Good, Noona?" Jungkook cooed, his hands cupping her face. "Because if not, We will stop, right away, okay?"

"Y-yeah. I'm g-good." Y/N panted.

"Perfect." Jimin gave her ass a light slap, before letting his finger tease her tight hole. "Now, where is the-"

"Right here, Hyung."

"Ah, thanks."

The sound of a bottle popping open reached her, then cold liquid dribbled along the crease of her ass.

Y/N gasped. "What's that?"

"Relax." Pulling her face down, Jungkook kissed her softly. "It'll help, trust me." He murmured, his tongue licking along her lip, before gently sucking on it. "We won't hurt you, Y/N. We'll go slow."

"Jung- uuh~"

"That's it." He praised. "Just breathe. Just like that. Now, spread your legs a little wider."

"O-okay." Y/N followed his instructions.

"Perfect." Jimin moved his lubricated fingers back and forth, spreading the gel and loosening the muscles. "You're taking my fingers so well, aren't you, Y/N? Are you ready for me?"

 "You're taking my fingers so well, aren't you, Y/N? Are you ready for me?"

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