Part 74 - JM - A Conspiring Heart

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Listening to Jungkook's earnest words, Jimin nodded in understanding, his expression softening with empathy

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Listening to Jungkook's earnest words, Jimin nodded in understanding, his expression softening with empathy. "I get it, Kookie, but this isn't just about feelings anymore. It's about what happens to us, as a group. About what happens when loyalties start to split."

Jungkook's eyes widened in alarm. "What do you mean?"

"People will take sides, Kookie, whether they intend to or not. It's almost inevitable. And most are likely to support Taehyung; after all, YN is his girlfriend. But some might see it differently. Some might want you to have a chance."

"Really?" Jungkook's eyes widened with a glimmer of hope. "Who? Jin?"

Shaking his head, Jimin tried not to let his annoyance show. "Jin might be soft, especially toward you, but I have a hard time seeing him supporting what I'm about to suggest."


"Yes, me."

"O-okay?" The younger blinked, clearly unsure, yet looked at Jimin with curious eyes. "What are you suggesting, Jimin?"

"I have a plan." A secret smile played on Jimin's lips as he continued: "I want you to have a fair shot at this, Kookie. At getting Y/N. We need to get it all out in the open. It sucks that it's come to this, but the only way to solve it is to address it - to deal with it - not letting it linger forever as a 'what ifs'. We need to face it head-on."

Jungkook seemed stunned for a moment, then after a few seconds, he shook his head. "But how? How are you planning this?"

Jimin's eyes sparkled with a mischievous glint. He didn't want to reveal too much, especially since the success of his plan wasn't guaranteed. "I have something in mind." He replied cryptically, offering a secretive smile, withholding the details. To be honest, he hadn't planned it out in its entirety yet, but he was working on it, and a lot would depend on how she would react to what he had in mind...

"But you'll help me?"

"I won't help in stealing her away, if that's what you think." Jimin stated, needing to make that clear. "When it all comes down to it, it's up to Y/N to choose what and who she wants. Taehyung has a better claim to her, so to say, but that does not forbid you from pursuing her. I won't help you in stealing her." He repeated. "But I will make sure you get your chance to express your feelings, to confess. However, in the end, whether she'll choose Taehyung or you, the decision will be hers."

"Do you think I should do it?" Jungkook asked, the torn uncertainty showing on his face as his emotions no doubt battled what he thought was right. "Should I confess?"

"Yes, I do." Jimin nodded firmly. "It's for the best, and especially if we can figure it out before we go back home - if we can resolve it while we're still on this island."

"That's-!" Mouth falling open in realization, Jungkook was visibly shaken. "That's only another two days!"

"It is." Jimin acknowledged, mentally counting the hours, before offering the younger a reassuring smile. "So we will need to make the most of these two days, won't we? And then, hopefully, we'll find you a way to tell her how you feel."

Falling back into thought, Jimin blocked out the sound of Jungkook's voice; ignoring the questions and even how he was tugging at him like an insistent child. Although he already had an idea of what next needed to happen, it was still one thing that was heavy on his mind... For Jungkook to be able to express his feelings to Y/N, the two of them would need to be let alone, however... After what had happened the last time... when they had been in the bathroom alone... It had not ended well, and Jimin wasn't sure what would take the most effort: creating an opportunity for Y/N and Jungkook to have a private conversation, or getting Y/N to agree to see Jungkook alone.

Jimin's mind raced with possibilities, but his focus wavered as he spotted a lone person walking along the beach. Squinting against the sun's glare, his suspicions were confirmed - it was Y/N, walking alone.

Without hesitation, Jimin reached for his phone, and swiftly brought up his calendar. A smile curved on his lips as he looked at their schedule; Taehyung was tied up in a meeting, and it was likely to last for another hour or two. The timing couldn't have been more perfect.

Without missing a beat, Jimin snapped his attention back to Jungkook, his thoughts now focused on executing the plan. "I've got an idea."

Jungkook's eyes widened, curious and with hope. "Yeah?"

Without a moment's hesitation, Jimin nodded, deciding it was now or never. Because, If this wasn't the time to take a chance, then when would it be?

 Because, If this wasn't the time to take a chance, then when would it be?

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