Part 23 - Uncontrollable Love

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Jungkook gulped. Although he had mixed feelings for Jimin's interest in Y/N, he could not help but feel intrigued by the prospect of working together with Jimin. It had been ages since they had actually worked to get someone - nowadays most girls simply agreed, or they just moved on to the next possibility. The continuous chase was something else, something more thrilling and giving. Jungkook himself enjoyed these hunts, but he knew that for Jimin it was even better than the conquering itself.

Even though he loved the idea of having access to pretty much anywhere on the resort, Jungkook still had this feeling tugging deep within himself. It told him to tell Jimin to back off. Maybe it was jealousy... the uncertainty of what she would let Jimin do, and well as the fear of Y/N rejecting Jungkook himself completely.

These were thoughts he tried to stray from ever since this morning when he'd realized it was more than friendship for him. He'd still keep an eye on Jimin to make sure he didn't pull anything extreme.

"Look, you don't have to worry, okay?" Jimin told Jungkook as he saw the conflicted expression on his friend's face. Putting the keys back into his pocket, he walked over to the bed and fell back onto it. "Once I'm sure I've made my impression on her, I'm moving on. Promise."

Jungkook knew that this was the best his friend could do. Jimin seldom made promises that he didn't intend to keep. It was true that he tended to say things that sounded like promises, but that wasn't a promise, but when it came to promises made in clear speech, you could usually trust him - usually.

"And when is that?" Jungkook asks to make sure. "When will you have made an impression on her?"

"Oh, you will know it when it happens." Jimin rolls over on his side, his back on Jungkook.

Watching Jimin turn away from him, Jungkook let out a sigh. He guessed he would just have to trust Jimin. Pulling his hand through his hair, he walked over to the bathroom and locked the door behind him.

Inside, he lets out a breath as his mind goes back to the conversation they had had in the bathroom earlier that afternoon...

Jungkook's face is red from sobbing so hard and his right knuckle stung from smashing the mirror. He looks up at Jimin. "Jimin, I don't know what the fuck to do... I think Taehyung is going to hate me for feeling this way about Y/N." He buries his face back into his hands as his body begins to shake again with frustration and anger.

Jimin rubs his friends back, "Yes, Kookie, this is really bad. But... sometimes we can't help who we fall in love with. It's unexpected... and sometimes unwanted."

Jungkook looks up at Jimin. Although Jimin and he have few secrets between them, he had never been told the full story of what happened to Jimin all those years ago. All he knew was that there had been this one person that Jimin really cared for and that he had been willing to do anything for. Usually, this was just an expression, but in Jimin's case, he had been asked to do something and had done it without thinking twice, only after learning that it had been a play from the start.

Who it was or what had happened, Jungkook didn't know. He just knew it had been bad.

"Kookie, whatever happens between you and Y/N... whether it be in your favor or not... You can't stay angry at her for something that's out of your control." Jimin sighs and gets a faraway look in his eyes as though he's no longer in this place and time.

"Just, please, promise me you won't be entirely stupid about this." He looks over at Jungkook, as his eyes become a bit watery.

Seeing his hyung crying like this makes Jungkook push aside his own conflicting feelings. "Jimin?" He tries carefully. He knows that, just as Jimin is talking very freely about most things, he wants the few things that he considers private to stay private.

"It's not always easy to know..." Jimin speaks out into the air. "What you are feeling, what that person is feeling... It's not always what you think, and you might not understand yourself truly..."

"Do you feel it's safe for me to try and figure out those feelings, Jimin?" Looking at him, Jungkook sniffles a bit and wipes at his face.

"I think you should do what you feel is right in your heart... But, Kookie, be wary of whatever the outcome of those actions may be." Jimin smiles weakly.

Shaking his head, Jungkook's mind returns to the present. What Jimin had said made him wonder... He knew something had hurt Jimin and that after that, he did not seem to have any interest in women as people. He enjoyed their company, but as the evening or weekend was over, he parted ways with them - severing their contract without a second thought. He had, as far as Jungkook knew, never hung onto someone for a long time, or insisted on any one person.

So then why so insistent now? Why Y/N?

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