Part 17 - The Secret

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Leaving Jimin behind you, you run away. You don't know where you are going, you just know that you need to get away - get away from this day.

As you keep trying to wipe the tears from staining your face further, you hear a voice.

"Y/N, how did it go with....." Betty starts then gasps when she sees your puffy eyes. "What happened, you poor dear." She grabs you in a hug and pats your back.

Not finding words, you just let out all the tears you've been holding back as you hold onto Betty as if your life depended on it.

"Y/N, whatever happened it's going to be alright. If you ever want to talk about it - or just cry it out - you know I'm here."

Her kind words were cut off by a low husky voice.

"Y/N, where have you been? I've looked all over for you, and no one seemed to know where you were." Taehyung comes up from behind Betty panting like he'd been running around. "I couldn't find Jimin and Jungkook to help me look for....." His voice trails off after he got closer to see your tear-stained face, and you were happy you decided not to wear makeup.

A breath hitches into his throat he looks at Betty. "Thank you for comforting her, Betty. I can take it from here."

Betty nods before giving you one last hug and walking off.

As soon as Betty lets go of you, you feel Taehyung's strong arms wrap around you in a protective barrier. Breathing in the scent of him instantly makes you feel safe and loved, but then Jungkook's face flashes before you, and your body curls in on itself as you cling onto Tae as new sobs shiver through you.

Taehyung doesn't say a word but simply holding on to you while stroking your back and letting you get everything out. "Baby, let's go back to the room and we can go talk there."

You nod against his chest in agreement and follow as he leads you both back to the cottage. Not wanting to make eye contact with anyone, your eyes stay down just staring into nothing as the entire event flashing through your mind.

When you enter the building and into the bedroom, Tae places you gently onto the bed before he walks over and locks the door.

That's the third time today a door has been locked with you in it, but this time you're not worried about what may happen... or maybe...

Taehyung comes over plants himself beside you and places a warm hand on your thigh. "Now love, please talk to me. What happened? Who's made your gorgeous face shed such tears?"

You sniffle as you try to find a way to answer him. It is all such a mess, and you don't even know how you feel about any of it. Only one feeling is as clear as it has always been: you love Tae.

"I-" You begin, but then shake your head, starting over. "This morning..."

Taehyung's eyes widen. He had been afraid of this. "Is this about what happened this morning?" He asks in a shaky voice.

You just keep shaking your head with new tears ready to fall.

He cups your face in his hands. "Please, love, say something...anything." His eyes are full of worry.

Something Jungkook had talked about right before those events happened crosses your mind. You wipe your eyes take a deep breath and face Taehyung. "Why did you allow the Makane's to do what they wanted this morning? Without even considering how I'd feel about it..."

His hands fall from your face as he moves them to run through his hair. "If you're thinking that I suggested it because of some hidden agenda, you're wrong, love..."

Taking a deep breath, he looks out the window and then back at you. "This is something I've never told anyone because it's not something I'm proud of." He fiddles with his thumbs as he continues. "You know most of my fetishes... Well, all except for one. And, I've kept quiet about it... until this morning. It's called Voyeurism."

He pauses waiting for you to say something - anything - but as you keep quiet, he continues. "It's when someone gets aroused by watching others engage in sexual acts." He looks at you with shame in his eyes.

"Baby," You feel yourself pushing your own worries aside as you see the worry on your boyfriend's face. "It's..." You look for the right word. "It's something new, but there is nothing wrong about it, I mean, I'm surprised, but I can also understand why that might be something you like."

"So you're not upset with me?" Taehyung asks, his voice hopeful.

"No, well," You added. "I wish I would have known about it before, well before it happened - both about your interest in it, as well as..." Your cheeks heat up as you think back on the morning.

He cocks an eyebrow, "As well as what?" His voice getting low and his eyes were filling with worry again. "I won't keep something like this from you again, love... I'm sorry." He pulls you against his chest.

You can feel his heart racing against yours. Feeling bad for his guilt, you take a deep breath before facing him. "Tae... The truth is... " You gulped; knowing that the choice of your next words could either make or break more than his heart. "After this morning... The boys..." You shy away from his face and choose instead to look down on your thumbs. "They have been a bit..."

"Love?" He asks calmly, but you hear the hidden thunder underneath it. "What did they do?"

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