Part 48 - Delicious

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The sudden wetness growing between your legs makes your shiver and a twitch runs through the hand that lay on top of Taehyung. Noticing, he flips his hand over and intertwines his fingers with yours. And, all the while Jimin's small, expert fingers, trace on the outside of your panties and around your bud.

"She is really precious to me." Tae says; his eyes on you as he addresses the table. "The most wonderful and kind person..."

You smile back at him and hold his hand tighter as to anchor yourself to him. "And you mean more to me than words will ever be able to express." Your thumb running along his skin.

Jimin's fingers seem to grow impatient, as they've now begun to skim beneath the lining of your panties and near your heat.

"Eight plates of the house special." A waiter comes over with a silver cart.

"Ah, yes, please!" Erika looks at the plates with delight. "It looks wonderful!"

"Thank you, miss" The waiter bows, before getting up and putting a plate in front of everyone.

Looking down at your plate, your mouth is watering. The fish looks delicious, and although did not realize it before, you now notice just how hungry you are.


"Friends." Mr. Swan gets up with his wine in hand. "I hope you all enjoy our meal today and that it will strengthen our future relations." Sitting down, he grabs his utensils and starts eating.

"This looks amazing!" Eyes lighting up with such a sight before you.

"Noona, you're supposed to devour it with your mouth... not your eyes." Jimin's whisper sounded closer to your ear than it actually was as he had just rocked back in his chair pulling the front legs a little into the air; giving him just enough private space to send his smart remark before setting the chair back on all fours.

You hadn't realized when Jimin stopped his game of toying with you during a dinner meeting. You did, however, feel a bit relieved. Had he continued to push on and to touch you... You were not sure what would have happened. But it made sense that he had stopped. It had been daring enough to touch you like that while in the ocean and away from the others, and something entirely else to do it under a table of eight.

Grabbing your own fork and knife, you carefully cut a slice of it and bring it to your mouth. "Mhmm.." You let out a small moan as the salty and buttery of the fish sends fireworks in your mouth. Swallowing, you open your eyes to find another piece, and...

They are all staring at you with big eyes.

"Yes?" You slowly ask as your fork spears through another piece of fish.

Why are they looking at you like that? Did you have something on your face? Your mind going through the many reasons why every person at the table was gawking at you.


"Yes?" You turn to look at Tae, hoping that he might give you an answer.

A moan from your right makes your brows shoot up. "Delicious indeed."

You look at Jimin, and as you do, you realize the reason why they were all staring.

You had moaned - out loud.

...And it hadn't even been from Jimin's touch.

Eyes still on Jimin, you feel the embarrassment creep up in you, but also something else. Jimin had diverted the attention from you.


"Please excuse me for a moment." After nodding your head in apology, you get up from your seat and head towards the women's bathroom.

Your cheeks burning, you walk as fast as you can. Luckily, this restaurant had its own bathrooms, and you praise yourself lucky as you walk into the bathroom, and then a stall. You hadn't needed the bathroom, not really, but as you were here...

Sighing, you raise the skirt of your dress and pull your underwear down.

"...fuck..." You curse as your fingers touch the stickiness that has built up in them. "I really need to practice on my self-control." Muttering to yourself, you tear off some pieces of toilet paper and dab gently at your panties so as to not get any small toilet paper fabric stuck on them.

"Damn that Jimin...." you mumble as you finally are satisfied with the clean up.

"Jimin?" A voice asks.

You stiffen. You had not heard anyone entering the bathroom behind you.

Fucking hell. This day couldn't end any better. You think while mentally slapping yourself for having a habit of talking to yourself out loud. Shoving your panties back on, you unlock the stall door, and as it swings open, you're met with a confused face and a cocked eyebrow.

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