Part 44 - Yesterday

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Honestly, Jungkook just wanted Y/N for himself. As selfish as it was, that's the damn truth. He puffs out a large sigh. "No Jimin I don't, but I don't want to get lost in all of this either, and lose what I actually want."

Jimin eyes him curiously. "Uh-huh, okay, Kookie." His eyes narrowed into slits as he continued. "But let me just say one thing... I will be the one to determine when my impression is made, you got that...That is," he pauses. "Unless you don't want my help..?"

Jungkook takes a deep breath as he runs his hand through his hair again. He wanted Jimin's help, but then again...

"Okay, Jimin. You decide when you think you've made it stick. However, don't be pissed with the response I give you the next time you're venting to me about it." Jungkook looks off into the open sea. "And of course I want your help. I'm just worried..."

Taking a few deep breaths, Jimin turns to Jungkook with a lighter expression on his face. "Well, then we should get started, shouldn't we?" He gives Jungkook a wink which assures that there are no bad feelings between them. "You remember what we discussed?"

"Yes yes..." Jungkook nodded.

Although he had wanted to discuss plans last evening, Jimin had insisted on hunting first. Having no choice but to join, Jungkook had joined him in the hotel bar, and they had soon found a willing waitress. The intention had been like always - to share - but Jungkook had been in no mood. So, watching Jimin pull the girl into their bed, Jungkook had closed the bedroom door and collapsed on the couch in the living room-area.

It hadn't taken long for the cabin to echo with erotic sounds.

Jungkook had rolled his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose. Then, walking over to a small end table, he had opened the drawer and pulled out his wireless earbuds from within before heading back to the couch.

Having synced the buds to his phone, he then shoved them into his ears and, after flipping through random songs on his Spotify playlist, he decided to play "Like A Star" by Corinne Bailey Rae.

"Hmm, maybe I should do a cover to this," he thinks to himself as he lets the lyrics sink in.

He wonders if it was really a good idea or not to allow Jimin to help. Still, what other alternative was there? If Jungkook did it alone - if he tried anything with her again... He wasn't even sure if she'd let him... Not after last time...

Sighing, Jungkook leans back and tries to relax. It would be difficult, but Jimin had offered to help him. Even so, Jungkook felt uneasy, though he did know what the cause was. If Jimin had wanted to steal Y/N for himself... He wouldn't have involved Jungkook then, right? Unless... No, that was absurd, and anyhow, Jimin had not lost interest in other women - that was very clear from the sounds he heard from the bedroom. So, no... That was not it...

Jungkook tried to push that thought to the back of his head, but he couldn't stop the nagging feeling that he might be wrong. All he knew was that he was going to tell Jimin to fuck off if he felt Jimin was pushing things too far at any point.

Putting yesterday's events behind him and returning to the beach, Jungkook turns to Jimin. "So, are you still sure about the party? I mean, there will be so many people, and-"

"It will be fine." Jimin gives a playful, wink. "I just confirmed it - they will not find out."

"What do you mean you-?"

"Jimin, what did you do..." Jungkook furrows his brows at him as his anxiety begins to creep up on him.

"Kookie, you worry too much." Jimin laughs, patting the makane's shoulder.

"I just made sure that it wouldn't grab too much attention." He smiles reassuringly. "Nothing more."

Jungkook's eyes widen as he realizes the implications.

"Jimin... What did you do?" Jungkook raises an eyebrow at him as he ruffles his own hair; not too sure if he wanted it combed out or in a messy style.

"Well, you obviously have an idea, so tell me, what do you think I did?"

"You really don't want me to answer that."

Jimin laughs, yet his tone was serious. "Oh, come on, Kookie." Jimin says poking him in the ribs. "Enlighten me."

"How far?" Jungkook made sure to keep his voice steady and under control. He knew that Jimin was more than aware of how he was pushing it now, but nothing good would come out of it if they started a fight. "How far?" He repeated. "How far did you go?"

Jimin gives the youngest a half-smile. "If you're worried that I fucked her again, then don't worry your pretty little head, because I didn't."

Jungkook punches him in the arm. "Dude, what the fuck... Don't do that shit when you know how I feel about her."

"Sorry, Kookie. I was only teasing." Jimin just laughs at his friend, but in the back of his mind, he knew his groin had said otherwise during the shoot with Y/N.

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