Part 87 - Y/N - Drunk On Love

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Dinner was lovely, and for once, everyone behaved

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Dinner was lovely, and for once, everyone behaved. While they were getting dressed in their dinner clothes, Y/N had started to worry about how it would be to see the others again after letting them fuck her senseless. Would it be awkward? Strange? Or would they act as if nothing had happened at all?

Was that what she wanted? To pretend it never happened in the first place? Would she be able to do that? Because that was what she wanted, wasn't it?

Y/N wasn't sure. The thought of the many possibilities kept churning in her head. Jimin and Jungkook had been so nice to her, so loving, and she was pretty sure they had meant every word they had said.


They had called themselves her friends. Y/N liked the idea of that; she would love to be their friend, to have it defined as that, but she was still worried. Would they really be fine with hanging out and pretending nothing had happened between them? Or would things get strange and weird?

She wasn't as worried when it came to Jimin. The guy had been pretty clear on what he wanted and why. It wasn't as if he was planning on making her his girlfriend or anything of that sort. He had wanted sex, and now that they had hooked up, she couldn't see him being interested in continuing whatever game he had been playing.

The same, however, could not be said about Jungkook. She didn't have a clue about what was going on inside his head, and she didn't know how to read him. One minute, he was sweet and caring, and the next, he was a cocky, seductive brat, and then, he was both. He had said he had enjoyed kissing her, and he had kissed her several times, both during and after they had had sex, but now, would he even want to kiss her again, or had he only meant those words and gestures as part of their play?

Y/N didn't know, and that bothered her. She had enjoyed what had happened between them, and-

She stopped mid-thought, a shiver running through her. No, it was more than that. She hadn't just enjoyed it, she had loved it. It had felt right, and if she was honest with herself, she didn't just want to forget about it.

She had wanted it, and she would have done anything for it to continue. She had felt good - amazing even - and she didn't just want to forget. She didn't want to pretend, or forget, or move on.

"You're doing it again."

Y/N jumped. She had been so lost in her thoughts that she hadn't noticed how Taehyung had turned his head to look at her.


"I, well, ehm, yes. Just starting to feel the wine, I guess." Y/N swallowed hard, her heart beating, and her cheeks flushed. Why was she feeling so awkward all of a sudden? Shaking her head, she met her boyfriend's eyes, and, smiling at him, she took his hand.

"You should be careful. If you get drunk, you might get, well, very naughty." Taehyung teased as he leaned forward, his thumb brushing against her lower lip.

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