Part 46 - His Choice

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Realizing his assumptions, you shake your head. "No no, I'm not."

His muscles seemed to relax, and though he seemed relieved, there was something more on his face... Disappointment?

"It's nothing Y/N, but we should make an appointment for you when we get home." He flashes you his wide boxy smile before kissing you passionately once more before pulling out of you. He gets up to grab a washcloth to clean the both of you. "Okay, love, let's get ready."

Smiling, you edge over to the end of the bed and let him clean you off with a gentle hand. Stroking his hair, you let him finish, and kisses him as he gets up.

Watching him, you feel a tug at your heart that just wouldn't go away; the feeling that saying you weren't pregnant hurt him, even though he had played it off like it hadn't. You knew that he wanted kids, but you'd both agreed that you should wait. You wanted to talk to him about it, to ask, but you knew that this wasn't the time to ask. You'd wait until the time was right.

You get up and smile at him, then look at the clock. Yeah, you were going to be late.

"Alright, Tae, now that we're gonna be late, you owe me later." You say playfully, winking at him. You wander off towards the bathroom to shower, and as the door closes, you hear his laughter behind you.

Stepping into the shower, you turn on the hot water and let it run down your body. Cleaning yourself off, you make sure there are no traces of his sperm still in nor on you, and you step out of the shower and grab a towel and dry yourself as you walk back to the bedroom.

Laying on the bed - already draped and ready to wear is a dark red dress, matching shoes, and a small and delicate necklace of a golden tear with a pair of matching earrings on the side.

You would have trusted no other man with deciding your outfit and, seeing tonight's dinner outfit in front of you, you have no regrets.

Taehyung's arms wrap around you, as he kisses your neck and trailing up to your lobe. "So, you like them?" He says melodically into your ear, sending heat throughout your body.

"Yes, I do. Thank you, Tae." Spinning around, your noses touch, and you lean in to kiss him tenderly.

"Mmmmmm." He groans as he pulls away with a satisfied smile. "I'm going to shower as well - before I change my mind and decide to take you again." He playfully squeezes your ass which earns him a squeak. He laughs deep in his throat then unravels his arms from around you before he turns and heads towards the bathroom.

About fifteen minutes later, Taehyung walks out in nothing but a towel around his body, and another that he's rubbing his hair with. You try to avert your eyes as you know the temptation of peeling it off him was all too great.

"It's alright, love, I won't stay in his garb for too long." He chuckles, clearly seeing your reaction when he entered the room. He continues through the room and enters the small walk-in closet.

"Shit..." You mutter to yourself. You were struggling as you tried to reach the zipper in the back of the dress, but your arms weren't quite long enough.

"Here, love, let me help." Taehyung's voice made you jump slightly; it seemed only a minute since he had left. Walking close to you from behind, he helps you get zipped up all the way.

You turn around to say thank you, but the only words that manage to come out were: "Holy shit..."

Totally lost for words, you could do nothing but stare. Even though you've seen him in many different attires, he never ceased to amaze you. Right now, he donned a slim fit, black suit, with a black dress shirt, a deep red silk vest, and a silk black tie neatly tucked.

"What?" He said with a curious look.

"You're so handsome!" You gush, your eyes eating him whole. "Never take that off!"

"But, love..." He winks. "That would make it quite difficult to-"

"I don't care!" You insist. "Keep it on, but right now - we're really - really - late, so if you can just-"

"Yes yes, I'm ready." He sighs as he gives your neck another small kiss. "I didn't know you were that excited about the prospect of a dinner with the investors, love.

"I'm not." You argue. "It's you I'm worried about. Mr. Swan is a big deal, so if we are super late, then-"

"Yes yes," He repeats as he wrinkles his nose. "I know. You have all you need?"

You nod, and as you do, Taehyung takes your hand in his, and you leave the bedroom and head for the restaurant.

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