Part 4 - Sudden Visitors

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The morning sun peeks through the curtains of the cabin window. You roll over to be greeted by a sleeping bear. Chuckling quietly, you plant soft kisses on his face to try and wake him. All you get are grunts, but you smile, as you know something else that might help get your sleeping boyfriend to wake up. Leaning close to him, you gently take his ear in your mouth; softly nibbling on it while moaning softly in his ear.

"Mmmmm, do you want more punishment?" He half moans, half laughs as he opens one eye.

You continue your light assault on his ear, causing him to grab you and flip you over.

He leans in close inches from your face."Okay love, now I'm awake. Do you really want to continue this? Or shall we get up for the day?"

You let out a giggle and give him a quick peck on the lips.

Blinking, Taehyung looks down at you. "And that was?"

You giggle again at his adorably cute face. "I was just making sure I was not dreaming."

"And are you?" He asked, raising his brow teasingly.

"I guess there is only one way to find out." You winked before pressing your lips to his once more.

He can't help but let a long groan as your lips connect with his. As his hands begin to gently roam your body.

"Ahhhhh." You moan at his touch, "Tae don't tease me like that."

"Oh teasing you huh?" He says coolly, then glides a finger across the slit of your entrance.

"Taeee~" you complain, while your hands wrap themselves around his neck, inviting him to continue.

"Wet already, eh?" He teases, giving your clit a light tap and making you let out a gasp. "Well, I guess I will have to make sure the lady is all ready for the day." He lets his tongue out and slowly licks his lips; clearly stating his intention.

Taking your leg, you rub it against his growing bulge. Which causes him to press down a little on your leg. You grab a handful of his hair and give a light tug and grin.

Taehyung gives you a grin and leans down to place a small kiss on your lips before working his way down your neck, your chest - briefly giving each of your nipples a lick before continuing down your belly and your lower part.

Resting his lips on your mound, he begins to blow teasingly at you.

"Aaa~" you cry out.

* BAM *

Suddenly the door slams open.

Jimin bursts through the doors of the room smiling. "Taehyung ah, what do you think of..." He starts then his smile turns into a full-blown grin.

"Mmmmm, Jimin-ssi if you aren't going to help me. Or do anything useful to help my current situation. Then please..." Taehyung says, giving Jimin a sardonic smile while pointing towards the door.

You feel your cheeks heat up as you try to cover yourself as well as you can despite only having your hands to rely on. You had been sure you had locked the door after arriving at the tropical cottage hotel yesterday, but it seemed you had forgotten. Not that it surprised you - as you and Tae had headed to the bedroom as soon as all four of you had checked in.

"Ahhhh and you didn't care to invite us Taehyung and Noona?" Says a playful sarcastic voice behind Jimin.

Jungkook comes up behind Jimin and wraps his arms around his waist. While giving you and Taehyung his signature bunny smile.

"Dammit you two, what have we said about knocking. How would you two feel if Y/N and I just barged into your room unannounced." Taehyung growled at them. While shifting his body to cover yours.

"That would depend on why you'd barge in." Jungkook grinned.

"- and if we already had acquired some entertainment for the night" Jimin added.

Grunting, a wicked smile appeared on Taehyung's lips. "I guess you being here this early means that your hunt was unsuccessful?"

As annoyed sounds came from the door, Taehyung was quick to grab the sheet from the side and pull it over you in a swift move. You sent him a grateful smile as you made sure to cover yourself as Taehyung - not caring one bit that he was but naked - turned to face his friends fully.

"Okay boys, then state your intentions of interrupting me while I was busy. And why you couldn't find any game to bring back with you." He asks them, raising an eyebrow.

You lay there and couldn't suppress the laughter that came from your mouth.

Jungkook shifts his eyes to you and winks.

You can't help but blush. You love your boyfriend and will never do anything to destroy what you have between the two of you, but there is no denying the attractiveness of his friends.

You had first met them after dating Taehyung for two months. You had been shy, and so had they, but you soon learned that it was far more to the two devils than one could see at first glance. That was until they let you see it - and after knowing the boys for a month, you had.

You had agreed to join Tae when he had conflicting plans between a date with you and joining Jimin and Jungkook at a nightclub. Seeing no harm in it, you had suggested that you should join them at the club, and though he seemed unsure, Tae had agreed. What happened that evening was something that you could never get out of your head. As soon as you entered, it was like they changed personality - and suddenly their secret was revealed to you. Shy boys Jimin and Jungkook were hunters - they hunted in a pack - bringing their prey home to share in more ways than you could imagine.

Jimin gave a sly smile. "Well, Kookie, should we see if we can join them. Or try to go back out and find some fresh meat?"

Jungkook takes his hands and runs them over Jimin's neck.

"Guys, you shouldn't be doing that with the door wide open." You finally manage to squeak out. Giving Taehyung a concerning look

Suddenly all eyes are on you, and you pull the sheets even closer to you, What had you just said? Had it seemed like an invitation? You gulped, unsure of what to do, you looked at Taehyung; your eyes practically screaming for help.

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