Part 32 - What Tae knew

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Taehyung gulps, and you turn your head over you back to look at him with wanting eyes.

"You have no idea how gorgeous you look, Y/N. How delicious - how much you make me want you." He slowly rubs his length between your swollen lips, teasing your wetness along with his throbbing erection.

Tracing kisses up your spine to the side of your neck; he assaults it with nips and sucks. "How bad do you need my cock, love?" He growls against your neck, giving it a quick hard bite.

You knew he couldn't help himself from going back to dominating. Not just you, but your entire soul. And you give it to him gladly every time.

"More than anything, Tae." You gasp out as he's assaulting your neck. "More than my life~ Aaa~!"

His thrush is sudden and deep; it pushes you forward and makes you steady yourself with your elbows as he's digging into you - taking all he wants and can. You gasp as he pulls halfway out before burying himself once again and again.

Reaching around, he presses your clit and rubs slowly; building you back up. Your legs begin to shake from the amount of pleasure he's giving you.

"Mmmm, no, Y/N.... aaahhhh, not... yet. If you fucking cum, I'll stop." He nips your neck again - hard - abruptly slowing down his hard thrusts and going into a slow torturous grind.

Squeezing your eyes shut and holding your breath, you fight to keep in what needs to burst over. The dam is already overflowing inside of you, and you whimper out as he continues to play with you.

"T-Taaee~" you beg, your whimper weak and desperate.

"Mmmmm, yes, love... what... do... you... want?" He purrs into your ear as he thrusts slowly between each word and his fingers continuing their slow torture against your clit.

"T-taehyung, you know exactly what I want." You move your hips beginning to grind against him, pushing his member deeper into you.

"Aaah." You draw a deep moan from him, "You wanna play that game, eh, love. You really want to?" He stops moving and stays as far in as he can. Bending over you, he takes your ear in his mouth, while his fingers start moving with more purpose.

"H-haaaaa, what game..?" You say with a sly smile.

He silences your words as he, still deep in you, suddenly grinds his hips in slow circular motions. "You've been with me long enough to..."


"What was that, love?" Tae says with a deep rumble in his voice. He tries his best to conceal how close he is, but you can hear the strain in his voice. If you can only hold on a little longer...

Drawing himself from within you, suddenly you feel his soft tongue slowly lap up your flowing wetness.

He moans against you, his vibrations almost making you climax.

"Aaa-don't-" You cry out. "That's unfair! You chea-aa--aaa-at!"

The vibrations suddenly stop, and you almost let yourself breathe out as you feel one finger slide into you. You moan from the feeling of it, but yet, it was giving so little, and you wanted and needed more.

"Cheat? Me? Oh really now?" He moves his finger slowly; bearing touching you and building frustration in you. "You really wanna go there, Y/N?"

He chuckles quietly. "You want to tease me during lunch." He slowly twirls his finger and laughs deep in his throat. "Now, love, what do you want?"

Biting your teeth, you feel your resignation coming closer. Although you want nothing more than for him to thrust himself hard and deep inside again and again until you can let it all go, you don't want to say it.

He loves these games of his, and normally you'd play it to the point where you'd gladly give him the victory he wants, but... not today.

"Mmmmmm..." Moaning, you rock your hips against him. "Mmmorre, I want more, now."

"Yes, love, more of?" He groans, "If you just give in to me, Y/N..." His finger begins to pick up the pace.

"Aah, yeah, like that~" You draw on the most arousing sounds you can make, focusing on making them rather than feeling just how good he is making you feel right now. "Ah- Hmm~ Yeah... So good~"

"Really now...?" His voice sounds strained and you can even hear a small annoyance in it. "You think this feels good?"

His breath hot against your ear he whispers. "I've been with and fucked you long enough to tell when you're not being honest, Y/N." Taking your ear lobe between his lips, he nibbles your ear. "You don't think this is enough... No, you want more." His movements quicken for a few, short thrusts, but then falls back to its slow rhythm again. "I have felt that before - and seen it..."

Moving his lips down to your neck, he begins to plant wet kisses along your neck. "So, Y/N, tell me... How did it feel to get fucked by him?"

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