Part 38 - Gold & Bronze

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After taking a small detour, Taehyung and you finally reach the section of the beach meant for the shoot. You stare out at the open water, and immediately want to run to the water and jump in and allow the water to wash your current worries and issues away.

"Y/N, are you alright?" A husky voice says in your ear. Taehyung wraps his arms around your waist, pulling you close to him.

"Haha, yes." You give his arm a small peck. "The water looks so nice though - I just can't wait to get in."

Letting out a small chuckle, Taehyung places a small kiss on your cheek. "Not so fast there, love. We're filming a few scenes here on the beach first, and then in the water."

Giving a sad nod, you sigh. "I know, but it would have been nice."

"If you want," He leans closer to you and whispers into your ear. "We can take a swim together tonight."

"Mmm, well.." You push your butt against his groin teasingly. "I suppose that I can wait until then."

A low growl escapes his lips, and he playfully gives your ass a squeeze, "Don't test me, love."

You giggle softly and lean heavier on him. He was right, it could wait.


The booming voice of Frances Ovalliere draws your attention over to the small party tent put up on the side of the beach. Nodding to each other, you take each other's hand and walk over to join the meeting.

You and Taehyung get beneath the tent. You see Jimin and Jungkook sitting down in a cluster of chairs that have been arranged in a half-circle. Jimin on one end and Jungkook next to him. Taehyung decides to take the seat next to Jungkook and you the one on the end beside Taehyung.

Frances coughs. "Are we all here? Good. Now as you see we are going to shoot on this beautiful beach. The product we will be promoting today is a protein bar called NutraNip. Which is also part of the same brand line as the Bubble Trouble sports drink." He turns around and fumbles his hands inside a leather suitcase. Pulling out a small stack of papers, he hands them to Jimin, who takes one and passes them along down the line.

France's attention returns to the group again as he speaks. "As you can see in the scripts, they have all been individually highlighted with your specific parts. Now, you will have five minutes to read over them, then after that, we will get to work." He claps his hands together and walks off.

With little time on your hands, you put your full attention on the task at hand. You don't have many lines, but there are more movements than at the pool.

The story of this commercial seems to be similar to the previous one, but it seems like they this time want to promote the product focusing on Jimin. Looking up from the papers, you send a quick glance down at Jimin. He could fit the role, but personally, you would have picked Jungkook for this it, and rather had Jimin for the energy drink. Still...


The announcement makes you jump, and you hurry to read through the rest of the script. There are no other big surprises in it. Once again you will be a girl that all three boys have their eyes on, and you will be won over by Jimin after he takes a NutraNip and saves you from drowning.

Repeating the lines and cues in your head, you follow the costume lady over to the changing room, and change into the gold and bronze bikini they have picked for you. You scowl as you look at it - they just had to match it to the snack bar's wrapping paper.

You walk out of the changing room in utter embarrassment. "God, I can't wait until I can take this shi-" You're cut off by someone poking your side, and you yelp and swat at the perpetrator.

"Ooooowww, Noona what was that for." The voice says,

Turning around, you see Jungkook. "I'm sorry, I-" You stop yourself as you remember your promise to Taehyung. Drawing a decisive breath, your eyes turn serious and you meet his eyes. "I have to go, Jungkook. I'm sorry."

"Noona, I'm-"

"I'm sorry." You repeat.

He gently grabs your hand with your back still to him. "If you would... I need to talk to you later... please."

You could hear the hurt and desperation in his voice. It pains you, so you turn your face slightly to look at him. "I don't know, Jungkook... but right now I have to go." Your heart breaks as you pull away from him and quickly walk to where everyone else was gathered.

In style with your own attire, the others are wearing the colors of NutraNip as well. However, while your outfit was an abomination, the boys were all given a tasteful black bathing trunk with small, elegant designs in gold and bronze.

When you get to Taehyung's side, you pout up at him. "Why do you guys have nicer looking swimsuits while I look like someone threw up on me?"

He just laughs, kisses your forehead, and gives you a boxy smile. "Because you're beautiful enough on your own, love." He leans down and kisses your bare shoulder. "Even wearing these, we're not even close."

"Oh, stop it!" You box him playfully. "You know that's not true!"

"It is for me," he whispers as he buries his face against your neck and blows raspberries.

"You're such a tease sometimes, Taehyung." You laugh and run a hand through his hair. Sighing you lean into him, "I just want to get this shoot over with."

"I know, love..." He lightly kisses your neck and takes a quick glance over at Jimin and Jungkook. "So do I."

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