Part 19 - The Game

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His eyes turning to slits, shooting daggers. He sits up but still has you pinned beneath him and practically straddles you, his weight pressing you into the bed.

"One, I locked that door, and two, why the fuck are you backstabbers here!" His words are laced with venom as he glares at two people he had considered brothers.

He looks from you to the other two, "Now is someone going to tell me what's really going on here? Because I'm seconds away from losing my shit entirely - and you all know that I don't like to wait, especially when it concerns Y/N."

The pair look at each other, but before Jimin could get a word out, Jungkook begins to speak.

"Hyung, there's something I need to tell you." His breathing is ragged as though he'd been running a marathon.

Taehyung cocks an eyebrow. "Uh-huh, I'm listening..." His voice low commanding the entire room. Normally, this tone of voice would turn you on, but at this moment in time, you wanted nothing more than to curl up and hide beneath the blanket.

"It's not her fault, it's..." He began, but Jimin threw his arm in front of Jungkook and stepped in front of him

"It's our fault, Taehyung-ah." He blurts out, giving a swift look towards Jungkook who stands there wordlessly. "Jungkook and I had made a game - a terrible one- about who could get to Y/N first." Jimin sighs deeply, "I'm sorry, Tae, it was something that we should never have pulled Y/N into." He looks up at Taehyung with sadness in his eyes.

"You what?!" Taehyung's eyes blaze up as Jimin's words sink in. "You made a fucking game about who of you could what? Fuck her first?"

"Hyung-" Jungkook begins but is cut off harshly by Taehyung as he gets on his feet and walks towards them with his hands clenched hard.

"Don't you 'hyung' me - not after this." His eyes glazed with disdain, he looks over his so-called friends. "I knew you both were fucking shameless, but you've gone too far - way too far. "

Jimin didn't say a word, he just looked away in embarrassment.

Jungkook's breathing began to pick up as his face slowly started to turn red and you could feel his anger boiling from across the room.

Your lips form the word 'no' while you slowly shake your head as at him in hopes that it would calm the storm that you could sense coming.

Instead, Jungkook's eyes harden as he looks up to meet Taehyung's equally hard ones. "It was you who started it, hyung." He says coldly; emphasis on the brotherly title. "Sharing her like that - are you really sure that you don't have any shame?"

Your eyes widen. This cannot be good.

"You talk of her as she is your property, hyung." Jungkook continues. "Yet, you did not - even for a second - think you turn away our offer..." He let the truth of it hang in the air for a few seconds before adding. "One could say that you started this, hyung. You even set rules - or one rule to be exact." He smiles in an almost wicked way. "That rule has not been broken."

A wicked sneer painted Taehyung's lips. "Oh my dear, Jungkook, how wrong you are. I've already openly admitted to my beautiful Y/N that I thoroughly enjoy watching others pleasure themselves with her." His eyes dart between both the men. "And yes, I laid ground rules for when I had given permission to perform such acts, while I am present." He gives a sardonic laugh before continuing. "So yes, I started it, but I never said that it could continue outside of the bedroom."

"One would think you scared, hyung." Jungkook's smile still present on his lips, he turns his gaze onto you. "Scared that something might happen if you were not there to be in control of it."

"Look at you two," A chuckle from the side made both Jungkook and Taehyung shift their attention to Jimin.

"You find this funny?"

Jimin chuckled again. "You guys are really taking this one too far. It was a game - we told you already. It was nothing - really - we were just amusing ourselves." He tosses up his arms in surrender. "Sure, it was a bad idea - a really, really bad idea," he corrects himself as he sees the expression on Taehyung's face. "- but it was nothing but a bit of fun, really."

The room lays in silence.

"Fine," Jimin lets out a sigh. "If it makes it better - we will agree to any one thing. Right, Kookie?" He looks over at his younger friend; his eyes widening, becoming Jungkook to agree.

Jungkook grits his teeth nodding in silent agreement to him.

Taehyung gives a deep laugh. "Well, I'm not sure how much I believe that., but to ensure that you both understand that NEITHER one of you stand a fucking chance..." He saunters back over to you, giving you the most devilish grin you'd ever seen on his godlike face. "I'll have to show you boys who truly has the upper hand."

And with that, he hovers back over you and making your heart hammering in your chest. Putting two fingers together, Taehyung plunges them straight into your core as he stifles your cry with a searing kiss.

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