Part 82 - Y/N - Wrong

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"We have more than enough time to show you

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"We have more than enough time to show you."

Y/N felt a shiver run down her body at Jimin's words. Her heart pounded, her breath quickened, but whether it was from arousal or worry, she wasn't sure.

She knew she shouldn't. She really, truly should not. Shouldn't encourage them, shouldn't encourage this, shouldn't want this, and yet, her body did. She did.

She wanted this, but at the same time, she also knew that this was a bad idea.

Very bad.

"N-no." She stammered as she felt her skin buzz and her pussy throb; the wetness and arousal, making her insides twist. "W-we need to stop."

"Why?" Beside her, Jimin looked up at her with a curious expression.

"Be-because. This is not-"

"This is not what?" He cocked his head to the side. "Wrong?"

"Yes. It's not right. We're not-"

"Not supposed to fuck each other?"

Y/N's cheeks burned. She opened her mouth to speak, but no words came.

"Noona." Jungkook sat up, a determined look on his face. "Please. Give me a chance to-"

"Kook." Jimin interrupted, shaking his head.

"I just-" Jungkook tried again, then bit his lip in frustration before looking into Y/N's eyes. "You have nothing to worry about. You can trust us."

"We wouldn't hurt you." Jimin added, his tone gentle. "Besides, you want us, don't you?"

Y/N's lips parted, ready to deny it, but the words got caught in her throat.

"Did you not like it?"

"N-no, I mean, yes. Yes. It was- was great." Y/N admitted, her cheeks heating as her voice fell to a whisper.

"So, you want to continue, don't you?" Jimin pressed on, his smirk widening.

"I- I.." Y/N struggled.

"That's not a no."

"Well. I..."

"Admit it, Y/N."

Y/N gulped, biting her lower lip. "Yes." She mumbled, looking down at her lap.

"Then why are we stopping?" Jimin's question hung heavy between them.

"I-" Y/N opened her mouth, but the words died before they could form.

"When there is no doubt that we want you, and that you want us." He spoke the words firmly. "So, tell us: do you truly want us to stop?"

Her shoulders stiffened.



"Good girl." Jimin smiled, his fingers slowly trailing up her thigh. "But if you're worried about how this might impact your future relationship or that this will somehow complicate our friendship, please, put your mind at ease. Say no, and we will leave, and this never happened."

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