Part 20 - Passion

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Your head was spinning as your mind was filled with conflicting feelings.

When you had woken up this morning, things had all made sense to you and you could not have been happier. You had been with your love, and it had been perfect - the two of you - body and heart - the only ones for each other.

He was the only one for you - you were sure; as you had never felt as complete and fulfilled with him - in bed or otherwise - with any of your previous boyfriends. What you had was everything, and nothing or nobody had ever made your body sing like he could - never - not until today.

Jungkook had invaded your mind, possibly your heart too. That part you were painfully unsure of. You knew that the moment he'd confessed, that you had felt some sort of connection, and it spun your mind into a whirlwind of conflicting emotions.

Distracting yourself from your thoughts, you let out a deep moan as Taehyung curls his fingers upwards, hitting you just right.

His breath hot against your ear as he growls. "Now, Y/N, let's show them the true meaning of passion." He nibbles on your ear and lets his fingers begin to swirl within you.

You are burning hot under his touch; your thoughts are whisked away and leaves no doubt in you as to the desire of your heart. Buckling your hips underneath his touch, you sigh out in pleasure as the movements make his fingers grace your spots repeatedly in a lazy rhythm.

Pulling his upper body up, he looks down at you, and though you still see the echo of receding flickers of anger in them, they are now heavily coated in a deep loving shine.

Meeting his eyes, you reach your arms out to him - asking for him to come to you rather than demanding.

He gives you a playful smirk as he dips his head low and trails kisses along your jawline as he begins moving his fingers in a slow tantalizing pattern causing you to writhe beneath him. Moving on to nibble lightly at your skin, he gently takes your bottom lip into his mouth and caresses it with his teeth.

You moan softly and tug tufts of his soft hair. "Mhmm... Taaee~" You hum out as he plays with your lip. You let your tongue slip out to poke his lips and give his beautiful nose a small lick.

Letting go of your lips, he hovers in front of you and letting you be the one to grasp them.

Pulling your upper body up, you put your lips to his soft ones, and as you do, you feel a tingle travel through you. Your smile and deepen the kiss.

You feel your heart swell to the point where it feels like it could burst at any moment. No man has ever made you feel this way - so intimate and vulnerable, not even the power Jungkook's body had over you earlier. Nothing felt the way Taehyung made you feel - the touch of his skin alone driving you mad.

You whimper as he gently pulls his fingers from you, before breaking the kiss to touch your nose with his. Capturing you in his gaze, you feel your heartbeat race even more. Then, leaning in closer, he whispers to you:

"Y/N, please never forget how infinite my love is for you." He trails gentle nips and kisses down your neck and stops to suck the hollow of your throat.

"Tae, I love you." You moan out in pleasure, feeling him smile against your skin as he continues to assault your neck with tender kisses.

Drowning in the presence of your boyfriend, there is nothing but him on your mind. Feeling his kisses, his touch, and hearing the little sounds he makes as he nibs and sucks gently at you, all of it makes it clearer than anything on your mind that this was your passion - that he was your passion - your one and only.

No man would ever be able to drive you insane with love as he does. That he was your drug of choice, and that without him, you would surely die. Sure, neither one of you was perfect. But the imperfect imperfections were what made you perfect for each other.

Your moans of love and passion fill the room as you forget that there are more than just you and Taehyung inside.

"T-Taaae~" Your soft whispers of delight rolled out of you as he gently began removing your top, pulling it off before letting his mouth run down to your left breast.

Putting the nipple gently between his lips; his tongue begins circling it. The warmth of his mouth on your body sends a pulse through you.

You let your fingers run gently through his hair while feeling the softness of his curls, before letting them run slowly up and down his back; feeling every dip and curve of his body.

The vibrations of his moans reverberate from between your chest and cause you to giggle. You feel him smile against you as he sucks the side of one of your breasts, and you press his head inwards and against you.

The need to feel more of his touch taking over.

Feeling you need, Taehyung lets go of your breasts and begins tracing kisses underneath your breasts, on your sides, your tummy, and moving down to your core. Placing a kiss on it, he looks up and faces the two onlookers.

[21+] Tropical Kiss [Y/N x Maknae-line]Where stories live. Discover now