Part 13 - What a Bunny wants

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"W-what....why!" You stammer, all of your anger being replaced by guilt. It should have been obvious to you that NONE of the Makane's wouldn't follow any other girl for that long - as you know how Jimin and Jungkook would easily get bored waiting for a girl's answer. That they would just move onto their next prey. But knew that for them. You were a different breed of prey entirely.

He steps closer to you, and you feel your body tensing up again as your mind flashes back to the little cabin and you let out a whimper.

"You think of it too." Jungkook says; his words more a statement than a question. He takes another few steps forward, stopping only as you are a few centimeters between you.

"N-no!" Your voice and body betray you. You clamp your thighs shut in fear of him feeling the immense heat coming from between them.

"Oh, Noona, you don't....." He pouts; his iris's beginning to swirl. "Are you sure?" Closing whatever little gap had been between the two of you. He pushes you up against the wall behind you. Resting his leg again between your thighs so you could feel his bulge twitching against your leg.

"J-jungkook...." You half moan while trying to stay calm, but your heart is hammering within you.

"Hmm?" His lips pressed up against your neck, you can feel the vibration of his voice as well as the warm breath coming from him. "You don't want this, Noona? You don't want me?"

For a few seconds, he is silent, waiting for your reply.

You want to tell him no, that you do not want him, not like this. You have Tae your sweetest, most loving winter bear. You want to tell him all of this, but the words will not come out of you. Instead of Taehyung's cute face, all you can see is Jungkook's as he moans while driving himself deep inside of you.

Not being able to say any of that. You say the only thing that makes sense: "J-jungkook.....y-you're confusing me." Your eyes grow big as you feel something hot and wet slide down your cheek. You look away in hopes that he didn't see.

Too late.

"Noona, don't cry okay, I just......I don't want to hide my feelings anymore. This morning pretty much confirmed it for me. That no other woman can compare." He caresses his hand against your cheek.

Looking back at him. His face isn't cute, soft, nor is it just lust. This is the face of someone determined. Someone who would make sure no one and nothing stands in their way from something they want to keep for themselves. And you know this look; it's the look Taehyung always gets when he looks at the other members when they walk away. Whenever you're with Tae and them. He does it when he thinks you're not paying attention. But you've always known.

"You don't mean-" You can't seem to speak the words as you can't fully grasp what he is telling you.

"I want you, Noona."

His words pierce as a spear into your heart and knock all air out of you.

"And," he continues his thumb now rubbing your cheek in a soft, loving way. "I know you want me too."

"No, Kookie, I-"

"I wasn't sure how you felt about it this morning, that is why I needed to confirm..." He left his sentence hanging in the air.

You gulp. "So that was why? During the shoot and then in the small house?"

"Yeeessss....." He purrs, his eyes becoming the softest shade of brown you've ever seen. "And I couldn't get that moment out of my head. I've never felt that way while with a woman in private. You are the first Noona. The first to make my mind go wild to the point where I don't want to leave your side."

He presses his leg more against your growing wetness.

You moan softly and bite your lower lip, while feeling utterly confused and a bit powerless from his sudden confession.

"But Tae-" You whisper out from between your clenched lips.

"Tae shared you." Jungkook says, his voice flat. "He said we were free to do whatever we wanted." He leaned even closer and let his tongue glide on your ear, he gave it a few sucks before letting it go to whisper even closer to your ear. "He put the rules - one single rule - and I will not break that. Other than that..."

He was right, Taehyung hadn't given any of you reasons behind his agreement this morning. Which you were going to get out of him one way or another today.

"You're right, Kookie, he did share me. However, it doesn't mean that I feel the same way." He shifts his leg that's still pressed against you. Tilting your chin up to look straight into his mesmerizing eyes.

"Noona, I'm not asking you to leave Hyung. That's not a choice I get to make. You're the only one who can do that." He trails off and runs a hand down your side. "Now, what I did say is that I wasn't going to hold my feelings in anymore - and that includes all of them." With that he crashes his lips onto yours, parting them with his tongue.

You try to hold back, but as he lets his hand entangle with your hair and tug on it while pushing himself down on you, your body grows soft in his arms. Your head is telling you to stom, but you can no longer hold back. With one last whimper, you let your body melt into his.

As soon as you do, Jungkook stops the kiss. You pout while trying to pull him back down to your lips. But without saying a word, he grabs the door beside you and pulls you inside the bathroom. And, for the second time that day, you hear the sound of a door being locked.

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