Part 67 - Sugar Overload

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A bit on and off with the timing, but here it is, the 67th part!

Thank you to all my Patrons <3 You are amazing and I really appreciate you all <3

Thank you to all my Patrons <3 You are amazing and I really appreciate you all <3

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A warm wind tickles against your neck. Still half asleep, you wiggle slightly.

"Mhmm?" The murmur behind you is groggy, heavy with sleep as well. "You planning to start something, love?" Taehyung's long arms pull you in closer, and you feel his morning hard-on poke your backside.

Laughing, you turn over to face him. "A little too early wouldn't you say?"

"Well, you're the one rubbing up against me so deliciously." He mumbles.

"I did no such thing" You protest. "I was simply sleeping!"

"Oh, you were, were you?" Cocking his brow, Taehyung purses his lip. "So this little thing..."

You yelp as his hand squeezes your butt without warning. "...just happened to dance like that, did it?"

"I was just getting a bit more comfortable." You say, sticking out your tongue at him. "And since when has it ever been too early for..." Your rambling was cut off by his soft lips connecting with yours. When he parts he's just beaming at you.

Pulling back he's just beaming at you. "Thank you." He tells you, his voice soft as he pulls you close into a tight hug.

Baffled, you blink as your arms tighten around him as you return the affection. "For what, Tae?" You ask him.

"For being here." His explanation short, he plants a big, wet kiss on your cheek.

"Taaae!" You whine as you try making a disgusted face while laughingly try fighting him off.

You spend the next few minutes laughing and playfully pushing him. As he licks his lips, puckers them, and makes kissy noises; leaning in multiple times attempting to plant them on your face.

"So, what's the plan for today?" You ask, slightly out of breath.

"Today," Taehyung announces. "Is the day we can go anywhere you'd like."

You blink, taking a few short seconds before... "Ah! It's the day off? Already?" Though you had known of it, it had seemed as if would happen near the end of your trip. Yet, here it was. How fast time had passed.

"Hmmm." You pinch your lips together with your fingers, there were a lot of different activities you both could do.

Taehyung smiles and raises a brow, "How about we could think it over during breakfast?"

"Excellent suggestion, Mr. Kim." You place a light kiss on his lips, before jumping up from the bed and heading for the shower.

The rest of the morning passes by quickly, and half an hour later you and Taehyung walk into the restaurant. As you want to keep open your options of activity, you chose to dress in a soft cotton tank top, paired with jeans shorts, and sneakers.

The morning sun shines throughout the restaurant. Its beams dancing on every surface as you and Taehyung seat yourselves at one of the smaller, cozier tables.

Your stomach gives a low growl, and you put an arm around it; trying to silence it. You hadn't realized how hungry you were with everything that had been going on: the cookie crumbs you had to figure out how to clean up, and well as the sticky mochi situation. Needless to say, you were on a sugar overload.

Waving down a waiter passing by, Taehyung orders food for you both before putting down the menu. Lifting his eyes, he looks up at you, a smile on his face, though there is a slight shadow coating his eyes.

"So, what are we having today?" You ask as you lay your hand on his, letting your fingers brush over his as you speak.

"Hmmm, from the sound coming from your stomach, I was thinking of steak and eggs." He lifts his fingers, threading them with yours; his touch fills you with warmth.

You laugh and nod your head in approval. Then, moving your head, you look out the glass wall, taking in the view of the ocean outside.

The water was beautiful and clear and, except from the short dip as you arrived, you had not yet had the chance to fully enjoy it.

Well, there had been the filming day when you-

A small shudder runs through you as the phantom fingers make their way up your thigh.


"The ocean... I was just..." Turning on your smile, you squeeze his fingers lightly. "We never really had our bath..."

Taehyung raises a suggestive brow. "Go on, Y/N. What were you going to say?" He seemed to be in a playful mood, and wasn't all too shy to make you turn red in public.

You take a breath and revise your sentence. "That we haven't gotten the chance to properly play in the water."

"Uh-huh. And you're sure that's all? Just playing in the water?" He asks, emphasis on the word playing.

"Yes!" You insist, putting your nose up in defiance. "Seriously, Tae, look out there!" Pointing out at the ocean, you continue. "We're on a beach - a beach. And, besides from those ten minutes, we have not spent any time there at all."

"Hmm?" Taehyung drags on his answer, clearly working hard to hold back a sly smile. "That is true, love." He seems to consider something, and then nods to himself. "Yes, I think that can be arranged. You. Me. Beach... Fun." He wiggles his brows.

"Oh, stop it!" You slap his shoulder gently; no longer able to keep up the facade, but laughs with him.

"Oh, stop it!" You slap his shoulder gently; no longer able to keep up the facade, but laughs with him

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That's if for now :3

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