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Tommy had settled on Chinese, again. Paul didn't want him drinking so he asked for water. "I'll drink water tonight." Tommy hoped he could keep down soup and rice. "If I can't eat it all, I'll take it home." he promised. "Paulie, I'm sorry for earlier. I'm just so overwhelmed right now."

"Baby, it's perfectly understandable. I'm dealing with a lot too." "Could I ask you something?" 


"Are you happy to be having a baby?"

"I-I-_I think so. It's kinda scary."

Paul held Tommy's hand and promised he'd always be there. "Do you want a girl or a boy?"

"Definitely a girl. A quiet one that looks likes you."

"Poor Eric's is gonna be like him and Gene combined."

"Poor kid." laughed Tommy.

The two of them managed to have a nice dinner with no outbursts or tears.

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