Two Months Later

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Eric was nearing his ninth month and the triplets were two months old. Taylor had recently started sleeping all night. Aurora did three nights out of the week but Hannah still woke every four hours.

Paul had yet to tell his discovery. He had convinced Tommy to let him take the girls to their doctor's appointment while Tommy was at his. "I can handle it." His plan was to see if the doctor would do a DNA test.  

She looked at him weirdly and asked if both parties agreed to it. "Tom doesn't know anything about it. " "I have reason to believe one of them isn't mine."

After a checkout, the DNA testing was done and Paul went to collect Tommy. The secretary told him that Tommy was almost ready. She handed Paul a stack of paperwork to fill out as he waited. "Mr. Thayer's insurance was cancelled so he owes for this visit. How would you like to pay?" 

"What?" "How much?"


Paul wrote a check as he waited on his husband to come out. 

"Paul? Are the girls okay?" asked Tommy as he came out. 

In the car, Paul handed Tommy the bill. "Your insurance was cancelled. I paid it ."

"What? Why?"

"I don't know. Call them."

Letting out a sigh, Tommy dialed customer service. Thirty minutes later he hung up. "I guess I missed a couple of payments."

"You were sleeping a lot. Didn't Pat give you the mail?"

"I don't know. I never checked."

"I guess it's a good thing I have bank draft pay or we'd be in the dark with no water."

Tommy opened his mouth to say something but changed his mind.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------A week later a big white envelope was delivered to the house which Paul promptly took and hid. He knew he shouldn't keep it from tommy but he wanted to look at the results first.

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