A Bad Idea

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Chapter Warning: Violence and an time change and age change. Read closely.

-- Chase's Point of View ---

{Age 16}

BERLIN - 2016 (MCU Captain America: Civil War)

No one ever calls me Margaret, my great grandfather Steve would call my "Chase" because I was always running, unfortunately I didn't run quite fast enough at this moment. If he knew where I was right now - he clearly would have a heart attack - but I wanted to see him and Bucky in action.

But, yep this was one stupid idea.

I was on the roof right by the door leading to the helicopter pad, I had just enough time I jump over a side wall as the door was thrown open, I looked up from my hiding spot to see Bucky quickly going over to the helicopter - he was terrifyingly in full Winter Soldier death mode as he pulled the rope line from the side of the helicopter.

When he got in and shut the door I stood up, looking for a way out - it was then that I turned and looked as he started to lift off of the pad - he was looking directly at me - his expression was blank but his eyes narrowed as he started to lift off.

I was about to make a run for it when the door swung open again and Steve - younger version of my grandfather run and grab the helicopter - The Winter Soldier turned his attention to Steve. I watched the struggle when I saw him turn the helicopter into the landing pad, and I fell over the side of it - nearly avoiding a huge tail blade that almost took off my head - I landed painfully into the river below.

The water was freezing as I broke the surface and swam to the shore - pulling my wet body out of the water I started running, the crowds where so scattered no one noticed just how fast I was running. I was only about 72% as fast of Steve was, but I was fast enough that anyone looking might be alarmed - I didn't care at this moment, I kept running until I was far, far away - and took a hard turn into the forest to hide myself better - stopping only when I realized that blood was dripping down my shoulder - a piece of the helicopter had cut into my shoulder leaving a huge gash.

The pain hit me suddenly and I moaned dropping to one knee, this had been one ludicrous idea, I could have been fucking killed - and Bucky had seen me... thank god he would forget it.

--- Bucky's Point of View ---

{Present Day}

I wasn't paying attention, I was going to be meeting Sam about something that we needed to look into, and I quickly rushed out of the door of the small café with my coffee when I ran into someone.

My metal arm stuck her hard in the shoulder and she let out yelp as she fell to the ground. My quick reflexes meant I held onto my coffee, I set it down on the table and went over to the girl.

She was sprawled on the ground, i noticed that she was wearing jeans, ankle boots, and a tank top with a zipped up sweater that was now open - I noticed that on her left shoulder she had a scar that looked like someone painful had happened to her. I also did my best not to notice her cleavage, I was a gentleman after all.

"Jesus, I am so sorry about that..." - fuck that had to of hurt.

I grabbed her by her arms and hauled her up easily to her feet, she reached up and grasped my metal arm at the bicep - then pulled back from me when she found her footing, there was a clear a look of worry on her face.

I looked down at her - she was shorter than me, green eyes and light brown hair, she smelled amazing however - there was nothing remarkable about her, she wasn't gorgeous nor ugly - she looked natural and simple, a 'girl-next-door' kind of girl.

Despite of all of that, oddly this stranger looked fucking familiar to me - and it was an odd sense of familiarity as well.

I could have sworn I'd seen her somewhere before - and she reminded me of someone but I couldn't put my finger on it.

I stepped forward and she took a step back, her breath hitching. There was the same look of fear on her face as her eyes quickly looked me over. My heart thudded painfully at her expression, I didn't want her to fear me for no good reason and she looked terrified of me, I saw her move back giving me a serious look - all fear gone.

"I'm sorry Buc...I'm sorry I ran into you, I wasn't looking..." turning she quickly walked away and I simply watched dumfounded as she disappeared down the street.

It took me more than a second to realize she was about to say my name... how did she? Who the hell was she?

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